☞︎ Chapter Twenty ☜︎

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TW: implemented suicide, death

"I'd like to see Andreas Brandon, please", Lucy asked the nurse at the reception. He looked at Floris towering next to her, but nodded. "Room 204"

Lucy nodded back, thanking the nurse, Floris smiled at him too. She walked down the hallway, letting out a shaky breath, she didn't realise she was holding. Floris leaned down a little, whispering: "You okay?"

"I will be eventually.", Lucy whispered back, putting on a smile before knocking on the door reading 204. She heard a faint "Come in!", from the inside.

She opened the door, walking in first, Floris trailing after her.

"Hello Lucy and?", he smiled, looking at the tall, friendly looking boy, beside his beloved daughter. "Floris, Sir"

Lucy's father gave a nasal laugh, "Andreas is completely fine, c'mon get yourself chairs"

Floris smiled getting himself and Lucy a chair from one corner, carrying them easily next to the bed.

She muttered a quick "Thanks", Floris answering "No problem", before they both sat down.

Andreas smiled at the two, knowingly. "I'd ask couply questions, but I don't want to make you uncomfortable.", he said, still smiling, thinking back to when Lucy's Mother and him were like this.

Lucy and Floris looked at each other, agreeing in milliseconds. "We don't mind", they said synchronized, laughing as they realised.

"No, I don't really want to. I know Lucy is smart enough to search for a gu-... person that is a good one."

Lucy turned her head down in embarrassment of not being abled to handle compliments. Floris noticed. "I didn't know you can't take compliments of anyone, I thought it was just me."

She silently elbowed him. "Ouch, hey I am just happy I am not the only one who can make you blush in no time.", he smiled.

Andreas just watched the friendly banter between the two.

"You can be happy I like you, otherwise I would've let you dig your own grave.", she gave back. "Did I ever tell you how hot you are when you threaten someone?", Floris admitted.

Lucy turned away again, feeling her cheeks heating up.

Floris turned to Andreas, smiling. "I am sorry, sir, but you have to understand, I really like seeing Lucy blush"

"It's understandable, I admit I like seeing it too, but in a more platonic sense than you.", her father smiled watching only her, his eyes only skipping to Floris for one second.

"It's not even been five minutes and you two already teamed up against me, incredible, this is going so good.", Lucy said. Floris and Dad held up their hands defensively. "Sorry ma'am, I will stop", Floris joked.

"Lucy do you know what you will do after I've gone?", her father drastically changed the subject.

Lucy looked down to her fingers picking at each other. "I will probably move out.  As much as my mother is my mother, I can't stand her anymore. She has said too many things that stress can't excuse. I don't know where I'll go... I have rented an apartment for now, I'll need to be spontaneous for the 'after' of right now, I don't want to think about it."

"You'll need to think about it. I'm sorry that you need to think about the 'after dad' already, but I can't help it and I am sorry for that."

"You can't do anything about it. Life sometimes is like this, dad. It's nobody's fault and nobody's reason to apologize"

"I don't understand why it had to be our family like this. First my mum, then my older sister and now me. I know the pain it leaves and I don't wanna leave that."

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