☞︎ Epilogue ☜︎

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TW: death, car accident, depression, implementation of suicide, cancer

"A lot has happened in the year since I blew up over night.

At first it was cool, I was becoming what I always wanted to be and life felt like it was falling into place... but we all know every highest High ends in the lowest Low. Just shortly after blowing up I was in a car accident.

With my best friend, who died on impact... And I will be honest. I wasn't doing great, I was questioning, why I survived. Me, the weird kid that streams Minecraft instead of the person that was actually doing something with their life.

I fell into depression and to this day I am very happy that I met up with Niki, Wilbur, Fundy, Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo at that time. Otherwise, I don't think I'd be here.

Thanks to them I was doing better and I went back home after two weeks of vacation... Only to find out my dad has cancer. I went nearly completely offline and spent my time with my Dad, because I knew that he didn't have much time left.

After his... passing... I moved out of my childhood home. I couldn't see that environment anymore and not think of him.

I am very sure that I owe most of the life I'm living to Fundy. He was one of the masterminds behind the meet-up, he was there for me when my best friend and my dad died and he is the best you could wish for. I am very happy that I'm allowed to call him my boyfriend."

Lucy stopped the playing video with her voice. "It's so cringe, but I love it."

"Then upload it, you smurf.", Floris laughed. "Aye, I can make you go from taken to single very easily!", she threatened. He just raised his hands in defeat. "You have to upload the instagram thingie too. Or should I post one?"

"I think you should post it, otherwise they just have something from me" "You're right"

Floris got his phone out, picking a picture and writing something.

Floris got his phone out, picking a picture and writing something

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@/fundylive It's incredible how many things can change in a year. I still often believe I am dreaming this life and if it's all just in my head, you're the best thing my mind has made up @/missgermanduck <3

The Furry and The Bird {fundy x oc}Where stories live. Discover now