☞︎ Chapter Twentyfour ☜︎

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TW: (The names of Fundy' parents are made up. I heard his name was Floris somewhen, which is a nice name and the reason why I roll with it in this story.)

Lucy heard a faint knock on the door. Opening her eyes sent her into a short shock, before realising she was in the guest room of Floris' home.

"Yeah?", she asked sleepily. "Floris here, my parents are making pancakes, if you'd like to join and meet them.", he said, still from outside the door.

"I'll be there in ten.", she mumbled. "Take your time", he answered.

His steps went down the stairs and she could only chuckle at herself. Lucy got dressed and ready for a day, nonetheless. She walked down the stairs, already smelling the pancakes and faint voices, talking in dutch.

Floris was the first to see her walk down the stairs. While he was walking over, putting an arm around her and turning to his parents, she was happy she hadn't given herself enough time to overthink this situation.

Which she was doing in this second, but she collected herself.

"Mum, Dad, this is Lucy.", Floris' smile grew bigger with every word and Lucy could hear that.

He turned to her. "Lucy", he pointed at a man, probably in his mid fifties, smiling widely, "That is my dad, Henry, and", he pointed at the woman, who smiling even brighter than his Dad, "that is my mother, Emma"

She walked towards his parents. "Hallo, ik ben Lucy, leuk je te ontmoeten.", she smiled, shaking their hands. "Leuk je te ontmoeten, we hopen dat je het hier leuk vindt", Floris' mother said.

Floris was standing two meters behind her. Smiling.

After some time, they all settled down, continuing the breakfast.

Henry and Emma were talking to Lucy a lot, getting to know her, Floris was just observing, but also participating in the conversation.

"I didn't even know you spoke dutch that well, you said 'little fractures of words and sentences', but you're like fluent.", Floris laughed.

"I mean I did have five months to practice.", she gave back. "Also, thinking of that conversation, you told me that I had somewhat of Canadian in my accent, right?", Floris asked her.

She nodded, taking another bite off her pancake. Henry jumped back into the conversation. "Wait, I'm Canadian", he looked at Lucy shocked. "Maybe that guess wasn't that uneducated", she laughed with Henry.


It was slowly starting to get dark outside. Somehow Floris had convinced Lucy to join him at the beach.

He interwined his fingers with hers. "I'm getting deja vus from the last times on shores.", Floris smiled. Lucy turned to him. Kissing him. "That just made the parallels more visible, but thanks anyway.", his smile grew bigger.

He looked at her in silence and she looked back at him. There was an eerie silence, waiting for both of them to say their thoughts. "I love you", they blurted at the same time, falling into laughter. "Bold of both of us to say that, when we aren't even officially girlfriend and boyfriend yet.", Lucy noticed.

"I mean, I could change that.", Floris looked down at her with a sly smirk.

"Change what?", Lucy asked, he couldn't tell if she was playing him or if she was really that oblivious. "You being my girlfriend?", he asked, half-smiling.

"Yeah you could change something about that", she threw a smirk towards him.

"Alright, Luce, will you be my girlfriend?", he said, making it sound sarcastic, but meaning what he said. Lucy understood. "Hmm, maybe, i don't knowww yettt", she gave back even more sarcastic.

Floris took her by her waist, pulling her close. He leaned down next to her ear. "Quit playing, darling", he said, definetly sending shivers down her spine. Lucy blamed the shivers on the cold anyway.

"Alright, Floris, I will gladly be your girlfriend.", she gave in.

He turned her face to his and kissed her. They both couldn't stop smiling into the kiss.

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