☞︎ Chapter Seventeen ☜︎

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TW: swears, death, skin picking

Still Lucy wrote him back, he had written half an hour ago, but she was kind of hoping he'd still be awake.

Fundy hadn't left his phone since he wrote her. He had heard the door next to his and Wilbur's bedroom open and close, just like the front door of the airbnb. He was pretty sure it had been Duck- or rather Lucy.

It felt weird to use her name. Duck seemed more like her name than her actual one, but finding nicknames for Lucy was easier than for Duck. Not that he'd be thinking about something like that.

His phone lit up, without a ping or vibration, since he respected that Wilbur was sleeping. And Fundy may had never been quicker to unlock his phone.

I am good and awake!
I'm outside, on the shore, it's really cool here, come to me! :D

He chuckled quietly and smirking as he read her message a few times. He even managed to answer a quick affirmative before he realised and felt warmth creep up his cheeks.

He pulled one of his hoodies over his head, it was the middle of the night, so he was sure it'd be cold.

Fundy was basically running towards the beach. And it didn't take long, before he saw Lucy waving at him. It was dark and empty, just what you would expect at 2:30 am on a beach.

"You really have a sense for adventures, don't you?", Fundy smiled. His words reminded Lucy why she was actually here.

"No, I was here for some nostalgia.", she answered, averting her gaze away from him. She turned completely around to sit back down. She patted the space naxt her, signaling Fundy he should sit down too.

"I'm not gonna sit down on those cold ass stones.", he simply stated, with a little chuckle. "You are gonna sit down.", Lucy said, her face blank, though Fundy knew she was joking.

"Alright, Mom, you said you wouldn't do it", Fundy reminded her while sitting down next to her.

The moon was lightly illuminating everything, the sea, the stones, the docks, her face. His gaze stuck to her face for a while.

"I think that is what you call 'lying' if I'm correct.", she smiled up at him. Their height difference wasn't as much as always, but still at least two inches.

He smiled back, if her smile made him smile or her words, didn't matter. "No you're wrong", he joked, actually making Lucy laugh.

He laughed with her, looking at her. Fuck, she's cute.

He turned to look down, their laughs slowly blending into silence. Lucy leaned onto his shoulder, sighing and sending a small electric shock through both of them.

Her thoughts were racing. His were too.

"You wanna know why I really came here?", Lucy said, looking to him, getting lost in his lightly illuminated brown eyes for just one second.

"I mean, I am quite interested in what you are doing at nearly 3 am on a Brighton stone beach, when it's cold... So I guess, yeah?", he answered, turning his body more towards her and Lucy copying the action.

She took out her phone. Showing him a picture. It portraited a teenage girl and an older teenage boy, the girl in a midnight blue dress, the boy in a simple shirt.

The girl was with no doubt Lucy. "That's my brother, his name is Enzo", her voice broke just a little and it was hard to see, but she was crying, nonetheless she had a small smile on her face.

Fundy shuffled closer to her, opening his arms. She gladly accepted. "You don't need to...", he whispered while rubbing her side lightly. "I want to.", she whispered back, before taking one deep breath. And another one, leaving his embrace. She looked down to her fingers, which just wouldn't stop picking at each other. It would surely not take long until it would start to bleed.

"As a child, I would come home from school, I would always check up on everyone. I never knew why, I just did it. And one day I came home, only Enzo was home before me that day and-", her voice broke again, her tears were starting to fall more rapidly, "and I couldn't find him... anywhere... I searched the whole house... There was only one closed bathroom and he j-just wouldn't answer... So I got concerned."

Fundy had never in his entire life had a bigger frown on his face than now. It stung his heart, he knew this story wouldn't end well and Lucy telling this story, crying it out, thinking back at those painful memories. He pulled her into his lap. Their eyes now on one level, probably, since Lucy had her head down, covering her face with her hands.

Fundy slowly removed her hands, looking at her beautiful, but now pained face. It was red and it seemed to get redder every single second they held eye-contact. He used his hands to wipe away her tears, a small smile tugging both their lips.

"I cracked the door lock and I found him just- there...", she looked down to her fingers picking at each other again.

"I tried everything... I knew that he- that he was... already... you know- I just didn't want to accept it...", Lucy looked up, without turning her head upwards, it was still directed towards her fingers, where here gaze was again very soon.

Fundy noticed her gaze. He looked back up at Lucy, who still hadn't moved. He took her hands in his, interwining their fingers, so she'd stop. Only for that, of course. But nobody could deny they weren't feeling the same timid spark they had felt moments ago when she had leaned into him.

Lucy looked back into his eyes. "I'm sorry, because of your brother. I'm sure he was a wonderful person. I'm so sorry you had to find him.", Fundy looked back at her.

"Don't apologize, it's not your fault.", she made clear, "Not even his. He just couldn't take it anymore... And nobody noticed. Nobody cared; about him."

"You cared about him.", Fundy said, looking, basically staring into her oceanic eyes, "You care about everyone. But you never seem to care about yourself enough."

Lucy's gaze left his eyes, but Fundy's didn't leave hers. "I'm sorry"

Fundy leaned towards her, whispering: "Don't you dare apologize."

A sweet smile crept on her face. "What?", Fundy asked. She quickly looked away mumbling: "Nothing, nothing"

Fundy began to tickle her sides. "Tell me what you were thinking or I am full on tickling you.", he playfully threatened.

"No", Lucy huffed back. "Alright, you wanted it like this."

Like he warned, Fundy 'full on' tickled her. It didn't take long before Lucy wheezed out: "Okay, you win"

"What were you gonna say, tell meee!", he laughed. "God, why? not that it's bad, but still-" "Tell me what you were thinking!"

"Alright, I was thinking that the way you whispered that 'Don't you dare apologize' was... kind of... h- well not hot, but at least - I hate myself so much right now - a little bit... attractive?", her face got even more red than before and she regretted telling him.

Fundy looked at her. Her red cheeks giving away that she meant it, maybe? "You think so? You, Luce the greatest Duck on the planet, think I, the lanky coder boy, am attractive?"

"Alright.", she gave in defeatedly, "Number one yes, I sometimes think so. Number two, did you just call me 'Luce'? Number three, did you just call yourself a 'lanky coder boy', because I am going to steal that.", Lucy laughed.

Now Fundy looked away defeatedly. "I might have called you 'Luce' and myself a 'lanky coder boy', I might not though.", now he brought his head back to look straight to Lucy. His eyes skipping over her lips just one time, hoping she didn't see that.

She couldn't see where his eyes where, because her eyes were just as distracted by his lips.

The Furry and The Bird {fundy x oc}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora