Book 2 Chapter 12

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Back at Republic city everyone is amazed by the beautiful sky . But the president is ready to attack . Unalaq/Vaatu goes out from the light and lands in the water infringe of Republic city. "It's time to take back the physical world." Unalaq/Vaatu says as they walk closer to the republic city. General Iroh and his fleet are ready to attack. "Fire" Iroh says to his soldiers and they shoot cannon at Unalaq/Vaatu. But each hit on Unalaq/Vaatu was like nothing to them . They continue to walk toward Republic city. They raise the water up and back to the Iroh ship, blowing them away.

"Monster attack " Meelo shouted out to Unalaq/Vaatu from where he was at . Unalaq/Vaatu walk to the statue of Avatar Aang and take the statue down.( for real what with people's obsession with the statue of Aang. Let the statue be) .


Tenzin and his siblings get out of the spirit world and try to find Korra, Y/N and the brothers. Tenzin looks at the distance to see small figures to see if it's them. "Over here!!" Tenzin shouted to his siblings, seeing the group passed out on the ground. "Please, wake up." Tenzin says to them as he picks up Korra. Kya and Bumi check if the rest are okay. "They're going to be alright, But I need to get them into some spirit water right away." Kya takes Y/N, Tenzin takes Korra and Bumi takes the brothers in the spirit world. They place them all in the water, laying them down gently. Kya bends the spirit water and they all quickly sit up from the water.

"Thank goodness, you are all okay," Tenzin says . "Did you find Jinora? " Korra says, concerned if they did end up finding Jinora. "I was able to rescue her soul, But she wasn't ready to return to her body yet. She sent the world into grave danger." Tenzin says helping Korra out of the water. "She was right." Korra says as she walks to a rock and sits down. "where are you able to stop Unalaq and Vaatu?" Tenzin says. "No, they fused, then Vaatu ripped Raava right out of me and destroyed her. Vaatu won. " Korra says, looking down on the grown of disappointed expression. "No! I'm too young to Live through 10,000 years of darkness. Korra, can't you talk to one of your past lives or something?" Bolin says. "No, you idiot "Y/N says as she slaps the back of his head. "When Vaatu destroyed Raava, He destroyed my connection to the past avatars too." Korra explains. "If that's true, then.." Tenzin says. "The cycle is over, I'm the last Avatar. I'm so sorry, Tenzin." Korra says as tears fall down her face and starts to sob. "She needs you now, more than ever." Kya says.

"The other Avatars may not be able to help you anymore, but perhaps I can." Tenzin says as he walks closer to Korra. "No one can help me now." Korra says with nothing but lost hope in her face. "I know I haven't been the best mentor to you, But I realize it was because I had a lot of spiritual growth to do myself. There may still be a way for you to stop Vaatu." Tenzin says. "How?" Korra is curious as to why there can be. "Let go of your attachments to who you think you are, And connect with your inner spirit" Tenzin says as he gets on his knees . "Haven't you heard anything I said? Raava is gone. I'm not connected to a spirit anymore." Korra says . "I'm not talking about Raava. Raava is not who you are. Come with me, I need to show you something." Tenzin says and Korra follows him. "Why are you showing me Vaatu's prison?" Korra says confused as they walk closer to the tree. "Because this tree had a history long before it held Vaatu. This is the tree of time. And the legends say that it's roots bind the spirit and physical worlds together." Tenzin explains the history of the tree. "And you think this tree can help me somehow? '' Korra says. "Yes, I have read that long ago, the ancient world meditated beneath this tree and connected with the great cosmic energy of the universe." Tenzin says.

They enter the tree. "These are my memories." Korra says. "The tree of time remembers all. Korra, the most powerful thing about you is not the spirit of Raava, but your own inner spirit. You have always been strong, unyielding, and fearless." Tenzin says. "Avatar Wan" Korra says as an image of her memory of Avatar Wan. "Before he fused with Raava, Wan was just a regular person." Tenzin says. "But he was brave and smart and always wanted to defend the helpless." Korra says. "That's right. He became a legend because of who he was, not what he was. He wasn't defined by Raava anymore than you are." Tenzin says as the tree shows an image of Unalaq/Vaatu taking down Avatar Aang statue.

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