Runaway Princess • Na Jaemin (NCT DREAM)

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Running through the woods with warm tears on her face blurred her vision. The Princess felt all sorts of emotions; Anger, sadness, hurt, frustration.

The Princess ran. She ran as far as her legs could take her. The tall and thick trees seemed to become darker the deeper she ran into the forest. She finally reached the river bank. The Princess collapsed to the ground, her knees hitting the hard earth.

She hated her life. The fact that she had been born a royal made her despise her life. She despised the fact that her life had been written for her. She despised the fact that she had to serve the throne. She especially despised the fact she had no freedom whatsoever. All her life, she had been stuck in a prison with her parents, the King and Queen, as the warrants.

However, there was one special person who understood her. He was the only one who made her dull life a tad better, he made her feel free. And she loved that; She loved him and so did he. Unfortunately, fate was not on their side.

"Your Highness?" He slowly approached the Princess. She looked up. There he was, in all his glory. The man she loved. She picked herself up, running towards him. He opened his arms ready to engulf her in a hug. His warmth brought tingles to her body, she loved this feeling.

"What's wrong, my love?" He asked gently, His voice dripped with honey; Sweet and full of love.

"Jaemin, what do I do? They're making me marry Jeno. I got into an argument with them because I told them I wanted to marry you and not him." The Princess sobbed into Jaemin's shoulder.

A single tear left Jaemin's eyes. It pained him to see the woman he loved in such a state. He couldn't do anything, he was just a lowly knight. He couldn't do anything.

"My love, look at me." He lifted her chin with his index finger, he looked at his beautiful eyes.

"We'll figure this out. For now, let us bring you back to the Palace, it's getting dark." He said. The Princess nodded, too tired to fight back.

The Princess laid on her bed, looking up at her ceiling. She didn't bother to join her family for dinner, not wanting to see her parents' faces.

Suddenly, there was a knock on her balcony door. The Princess hesitantly opens the door. The door swung open, revealing her lover.

"My love, I found a way." The Princess' face lit up, urging him to share his thoughts.

"Let's run away."

"What? Jaemin, that's risky. How would I survive? I've never worked in my whole life. And your job here?" The Princess rambled.

"But my love, it is a risk I am willing to take just for you. I've already made preparations. You could learn little by little with my help. Or I could just do all the work, I wouldn't mind because it's you. I've earned enough money to buy a plot of land with a barn house. It wouldn't be complete without you, my love. As long as you love me as I do. We'll be just fine." Jaemin said, holding her hands, tears forming in his eyes.

The Princess reached for his face. She wiped his tears.

"Alright. Let's run away."


runeh wei, runeh wei, runeh wei wit meh
wrote this at like 12am 😀 I'm sleep deprived now


Original storyline by: S

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