Hockey Boy • Lee Jeno (NCT DREAM)

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"Lee Jeno! Get your fucking head in the game, boy!" his coach screamed at him as he got off the ice rink. Jeno's team had just lost the first half of the hockey tournament, and their coach was obviously unhappy about it.

"Guys, what the fuck was that? What happened?" their coach asked. Everyone looked down, not wanting to look at their coach's face. Their coach sighed.

"Focus, alright? We can still turn the tables around." He said, although all of them can see that there is no hope in his eyes. Everyone nodded, and dispersed. Jeno looked towards the crowd, his eyes instinctively searching for her. Jeno sighed in defeat, not being able to find her.

"Bro, are you still thinking about her?" Mark asked, sitting next to Jeno. Jeno glanced at him and nodded slightly.

"I think she rejected me. She hasn't texted back and she's been avoiding me." Jeno said with a slight pout on his face. Mark placed his hand on Jeno's shoulder, trying to comfort his friend.

"I don't think she rejected you, maybe she needs time to sort out her feelings. I mean you did confess your love for her on top of a table in the cafeteria in front of the whole school. She ought to be embarrassed for a while." Mark justified.

"I knew I shouldn't have listened to Haechan." Jeno said loudly for the guy to hear him.

"Hey, it was a great idea, alright?" Haechan said, earning a hit from Ten.

"Jeno, let's worry about your love life later, alright? Right now we have to focus on winning this game. We've trained so hard for this. I don't know about you but I want to win this game." Ten said, everyone unanimously agreed with his statement.

"Alright boys, time to get on the rink." Their coach called for them from outside. Everyone started to put on their helmets.

As they walked out of their locker room and into the ice rink once again, they heard the roars of their classmates. They all formed a circle in the middle of the ice rink to discuss their game plan. After discussing, they dispersed and got into their positions.

"Oi Jeno!" Mark yelled for him. Jeno looked at his direction to see him pointing towards the crowd. Confused as to what he was pointing at, he followed the direction of where his hand was pointing.

His eyes caught sight of her. She was wearing his jersey, he was taken aback by her sudden appearance. Then, he saw that she was holding up a banner with his name on it.

'Lee Jeno, if you win this game, I'll let you be my boyfriend.'

Jeno's competitiveness suddenly increased.

"I'm gonna win this fucking game."


i can't get over 90's love 🤡 I'm having major writer's block 😭
original storyline by : S

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