We're Together, Over This Blackened World • Choi Seungcheol (SVT)

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She sighed as she walked home, alone, through the crowded city. As she squeezed through the sea of people, her phone rang in her back pocket. She quickly fished out her phone and answered the call without checking the contact name.

"Hello?" She answered the phone call, stopping in her tracks when she noticed that the traffic light was red.

"Good evening, this is Mr. Oh's office," the person on the other line responded. "Is this Ms.(Y/N)?" She wondered why her boss's office was calling her.

"Yes, that's me." She followed up immediately.

"Alright, Ms.(Y/N), I've called you to inform you that your position with the company is being eliminated. We do not have any position for you." The person informed her.

"What? Wait, so... I'm being laid off?" She clarified, her blood was drained from her face. She looked like she had just seen a ghost.

"Unfortunately, that is correct, Ms.(Y/N). If you have any questions or concerns regarding your transition, please contact Human Resources. Thank you and have a good day." Before she could utter another word, the person hung up the phone.

How could they lay her off? She always did her best. She never complained about the heavy workload. She always held her tongue and put her pride aside when her seniors dumped all their work to her. So why? Why did they lay her off? All she ever did was work hard.

She looked at her blank phone screen, unable to comprehend the earlier events that just took place. With a heavy heart, she continued on her journey home, longing for the comfort of her bed.

Her hand lingered above her door handle, she put on her best smile and tried to act like everything was fine. But in fact, everything was not; Her world blackened as it slowly came crumbling down.

"Oh, you're home!" Seungcheol happily skipped towards her and pulled her in his arms. She melted under his embrace, she buried her face into his chest much like a child seeking for more comfort.

"Hmm, did something happen today?" Seungcheol asked, resting his chin on her head.

"You know what? Don't answer that, I already know the answer and before you say 'I'm fine, everything is fine.' I know, I see through your lies." Seungcheol sassed. He noticed how she started trembling.

Seungcheol slowly pulled away from the embrace and studied her expression. There were tears in her eyes; She was crying.

"Hey, hey. What's wrong?" He asked gently, guiding her to the sofa.

"I got laid off. I got fucking laid off when all I ever did was work hard every single fucking day!" She poured her heart out.

"What did I do wrong? Was I never hard working enough? Impossible. I've had sleepless nights trying to complete my work."

Throughout her rant, Seungcheol just kept quiet. Rubbing circles on her back trying to calm her down.

"Come here." Seungcheol pulled her into a hug once more.

"What if you leave me too? Just like everyone else. They don't think I'm good enough, that's why they leave me. Making my world blacken." She said bitterly.

"I won't leave you. You may not know this, but, everything is cold but I'm not lonely with you. I'm not afraid of a falling tomorrow because I know you'll be there, by my side."

"Without you, my world also blackens. So, we're together, over this blackened world." Seungcheol placed a kiss on her forehead and flashed a smile.


Original storyline: S

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