So In Love • Mark Lee (NCT)

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Dear Diary,

I am so in love. And it did not end well. Like all things in my life. But I have no regrets. I would choose him over and over again. But he - he wouldn't do the same. To him, I am just a toy; A toy that gets neglected every time he gets bored.

And the worst thing is that after everything we have been through, he acts like nothing has happened.

But why can't I forget him? Why can't I just cut him off like he did to me? I want to turn around coldly, like he did. But why can't I? I don't want to hold onto him anymore. It hurts. A lot. 

My heart is in a million pieces. I will never be the same after him. He showed me things that I could only see when I am with him. 

I would do anything for him. Anything. For him, I would fall from grace just to touch his face. I would beg him on my knees to stay if he walks away. I get so high every time he's loving me.

I know he loves me too. He just doesn't want to admit it. I won't give up on him, ever.

Date of entry :12/07/22

Dear diary, 

Today, I saw Mark with another girl. The way he looked at her broke my heart. But I know he still loves me. We locked eyes as he walked past me. He was just trying to make me jealous. 

But that other girl. She was trying to get close with him. Mark looked uncomfortable when she was around him. I will protect him. 

I will get rid of her for him. I will do anything for him. I would give my life for him. Better yet, I would give another's life for him, that way we could be together without any interruptions.

Date of entry :20/07/22

Dear diary,

I got rid of her today. It was an easy kill. She kept apologizing. She begged me to stop. But I didn't. She should've known better not to go near what was mine. And for that she had to face the consequences for her actions. 

Now that she's gone, Mark and I can finally be together. 

Date of entry :14/08/22

Dear diary, 

Today, I told Mark that I loved him. I was met with another heartbreak. He said I was delusional. He said I was crazy.  

This was not how I expected our story to go. We were supposed to be happy together after all that I did for him. Why would he do that to me? 

He said he doesn't love me, I don't understand. He must love me, because I love him. I'm going crazy. Worst of all, he said he already has a girlfriend. And he loves her so much? What about me, Mark? 

Why won't you love me, Mark? 

I can't be patient anymore. I know I said I would wait for you but, my love, you are taking so long. I can't do this anymore. This is destroying me. 

Date of entry :21/8/22

Dear diary, 

I have come to a conclusion, if I can't have Mark all to myself, then no one else can.

I'm going to get rid of his beloved girlfriend. Then, I will take care of Mark myself. It is the least I can do for you, my love.

Date of entry :24/08/22

Mark felt goosebumps as he read the diary. "Mark?" The detective called for him. Mark looked at and his eyes met with the detective's. He looked around the interrogation room uncomfortably. "It's alright, son. You are safe here. I'm trying to help you here. Now please, tell me more about your relationship with Ms. Jin Yeoreum."

Mark cleared his throat, "Well... we took the same class in university. And I got to know her on a more personal level when we were paired up for a project." He continued. The detective opposite him jotted down everything he had said. 

"We naturally became close friends after the project. And we were in the same friend group. But I noticed how everyone in our friend group tried to steer me away from her, saying that she was not a good person. But I did not listen to them and continued to stay close to her." 

"And when would you say  Ms. Jin started to act out of behavior?" The detective asked. "I would say..." Mark paused to ponder. "After the first time she told me her feelings towards me. That was around mid-July." 

The detective nodded, "That perfectly aligns with the contents of Ms. Jin's diary." He pointed out. 

"May I ask what Ms. Jin would do around you, that resulted in you avoiding her on campus?" Mark rubbed his hands together nervously. "She would always tell me stuff like how I was 'perfect' and how no other man was on my level. And that no one deserved me. She used to follow me around which made me feel uncomfortable so I told her to give me space." 

"Alright, Mark. Thank you for your time. I will escort you out." the detective stood up and ushered Mark out the room. 

Mark sighed as he plopped onto his bed. His phone rang in his pocket. He pulled it out and checked the caller ID.


Mark answered his phone. "Hello?" The other line stayed quiet, but Mark could hearing soft breathing. "Hello? Is anyone there?" Mark asked again. "Uhm, I think you might have the wrong number" Mark stated and was about to hang up when the other line spoke. 

"No, I know I have got the right number." The person whispered. "Who is this?" Mark asked as he sat up from his bed. He could hear his own heartbeat.

"Aw, Markie, have  you already forgotten my voice? No matter, you and I will meet soon. And this time, I will be sure to take you heart with me. That way, your heart would always belong to me."


i wrote this in like 30 minutes cuz i was so tired of studying chemistry.

enjoy bc im going to disappear again

Original storyline: S 

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