Enchanted • Huang Renjun (NCT DREAM)

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"No! Where are you taking her?" Renjun shouted, his voice resonating in the corridor of the dimly lit hospital. His heart clenched as he received the news regarding her. His eyes followed the bed that they were moving. Before he could chase the hospital staff, he was blocked by a nurse.

"Sir, please keep your voice down, or I'm going to have to ask you to leave." Renjun looked at the nurse, his eyes welling up with tears that were threatening to fall at any given moment. But he held them back, like he always did.

"No, please, she can't be gone. She's healthy, yes?" He desperately asked the nurse, who gave him a look of pity.

He hated that look. He hated how people pitied him because of his misfortune. The only person who didn't give him that look was her. But where was she now? Definitely not by his side.

"I'm sorry sir, we did everything we could. But it was bound to happen, she was diagnosed with Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy at a young age. She has suffered enough with her condition." The nurse explained. Her words did not comfort him whatsoever, he was in agony, his heart throbbed at the thought of her being gone.

Without another word, he left the hospital. He walked on the sidewalk, kicking pebbles. He was frustrated, lost, in pain and disappointed. He was disappointed in himself, he fell for her. He fell hard, but he never told her. In fact, he fell for her the moment he saw her.

"Mark! You're literally so dum- Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't know you had someone in the room with you." Renjun sheepishly chuckled. He looked at the girl beside his friend. He was mesmerised by her beauty. He was enchanted by her very existence.

"Would you like me to give you guys some privacy?" She asked, as Renjun approached the bed.

"Oh, no, please stay. We wouldn't want to trouble you." She then smiled, hearing Renjun's answer.

That day was the first time they met and the first time they conversed. That was also the day that they fell for one another. Renjun was wonderstruck by her, he blushed all the way home at the thought of her.

Tears streamed down Renjun's eyes as he reached his house. He wished that she was at his door, waiting for him. But no, she was no more in this world. She has gone. And she is never coming back.

He unlocked his phone and opened the last message she sent him; A video. He played it, his heart felt heavy.

"Hey Renjun, it's me. Uhh, I don't really know what I'm doing right now but I'll just wing it." she giggled.

For a split second, Renjun's heart healed a little hearing her soft giggles and seeing her warm smile, but then reality hit him as soon as she said her next words.

"By the time you see this, I'm probably gone already, yes. I hate to say this but it is the truth. And I hope you will not be too affected by my death." She sniffled and quickly wiped the tears that had already fallen from her eyes. She smiled at the camera again.

"However, the purpose of me making this video message is to tell you everything. And by that I mean my feelings towards you." She said looking straight into the camera.

Renjun's ears perked up upon hearing her words.

"Renjun, I see you more than a friend. I see you as my lover. And I know it is unfair for me to tell  you this after my death but, I was scared that you were already in love with someone else who is not me. And I'm sorry for being selfish. " She confessed.

More tears welled up in his eyes as he listened to her attentively.

"So, this is me praying that this was the very first page. Not where our story line ends, my thoughts will echo your name, until we meet up again. These were the words I held back as I was leaving too soon, I was enchanted to meet you."

Renjun bit his lower lip, trying to hold his sobs but he failed miserably. Her words had so much emotion in them and that moved his heart. He was not a crying mess in the corner of his room.

"Huang Renjun, I love you. Let's meet again in our next life. I will make sure to live healthily so that I can spend the rest of my life with you. Bye!" She cheerfully waved at the camera. The video paused.

"I love you too, and for the record, I'm not in love with anyone else, it has always been you." he said, looking at her face endearingly.


Another Taylor Swift song 😀

sorry that i keep my characters d!e lmao. I'll make more fluff or smth.

Original storyline by: S

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