예쁜 나비 Butterfly - dokyeom.

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"dokyeom-ah , do you want to go out to play ? " his mom asked. looking out into the window to a beautiful day the sun panning in towards the glass window , brightening the once dull and dim room.

dokyeom looked towards the empty bed to the right next to his. 'where did she go' he thought. " mom, im going out to play !" he announced, " be careful son! " the boys' mom regarded plastering a smile on her face as a tear roll down her cheek. quickly she wiped it with a napkin.

running down the hospital stairs to the garden on the outside. ' she must be here, like she always is '. dokyeom ran into the garden; vast vegetation greeted the young columns of lushes bushes surrounded the land, in the middle stood a wisteria tree, its purple flowers dangling as the wind blow against its pollens that drift along with it.

at the foot of its trunk stood a girl. a very petit one. dokyeom quietly descended towards her as he admired the large wisteria tree, he noticed two butterflies chasing each other making him stifle silently.

" water the pretty, pretty flowers ~ " the girl sang cheerfully. pouring the water from a plastic bottle humming to a melodic tune.
" what are you doing ? " dokyeom blurted.
" oh ! " the girl gasped before falling to her bum soiling her hospital gown.
" did i scare you ? " feeling remorseful for inquiring in such a harsh tone. the girl however didn't reply and stood up.

" hello i am ye bi ! " shooting her arm out and shaking his. " hello... my name is uh dok- uh yeom. "
ye bi wore a white gown that is now soiled with lushes brown hair just curling slightly at the ends. her beautiful orbs sparkled as the sunlight hits, glowing hazel brown. just like any nine year old she has a small nose and mouth. energetic and youthful.

"so what are you doing here ?"ye bi asked,"well i was wondering where you were..so i went treasure hunting and i found you !" dokyeom replied with a soft tone almost whispering.
Looking over to her right she spotted another tree that looks almost like a pink cotton candy, grabbing his wrist as they ran across the tall grass, their hospital gowns flowing against the wind.
The pink cotton candy turned out to be a cherry blossom tree and beside it was a train track.
" Remember the day you came in and you cried as you lost your bullet train ?"ye bi crossed her arms , puffing her cheeks then cutely eyed dokyeom. The boy just stood, helplessly nodding his head.

The boy pointed to the ground to a bundle of flowers "na bi !" he exclaimed, "ah! Its a butterfly !"ye bi squealed ecstatically. They then squat to closely observe this beautiful butterfly with its white wings spread like the petals of a camellia flower in full

" ye bi ! what are you doing here ? " the woman from afar stormed towards ye bi, yanking her by the arm and dragging her towards the hospital. i watched as tear drops form and drop like an afternoon light shower. beautiful but heartbreaking.

from a distance, an opening unveiled, i dashed towards it to find a willow tree near the train tracks. beside the willow tree is train tracks. suddenly, chugging sound from a far distance echoed. like the speed of light a train zoom passed dokyeom, creating a strong wind.
at that moment, i didn't know what that feeling of rush and happiness was but it felt like you're on a roller coaster and you're at the tip before you drop. Instead of fear it was excitement, bliss, warmth.

" dokyeom ! I want to show you a place I found " ye bi dragged dokyeom by the wrist leading him out into the garden. hand in hand they crossed the field of dandelions into the secret opening where the willow tree stood. acting shocked, as if he has never been there he widened his eyelids and rounded hips lips creating an ' O'.
" woah" was the only thing he could exclaim. " yah you know what this tree is called ? " ye bi pointed up into the vines that draped down tickling our cheeks as the wind blew. dokyeom shook his head and looked down to the ground. " hmm, let's carve our names on this tree as our official sign of friendship ! " dokyeom suggested looking at the sharp edge of the pebble. picking it up he grabbed ye bi by the wrist dragging her towards the trunk of the tree. handing her the pebble he smiled at the glint in her eyes that formed into crescent moons and the contagious smile oh he loves and adores so.

the rest of the day they spent their time watching the clouds pass making cute animals only their imaginations would know or running around the dandelion field allowing their gowns to collect the little pollen buds of the delicate flower.

this went on for weeks and weeks as the two hung out at the little willow tree, once in a blue moon they would catch the old train dash by sending adrenaline down their neck.

one day, ye bi took dokyeom by the hand and ran towards the place where they made all these beautiful memorable memories and moments that were only to be captured within their heads. " dokyeomie , doctor told me i only have a day to live. lets do something fun today ! "

" why ? cant we play tomorrow again ? why did you say that ? " dokyeom questioned. " i have leukemia dokyeomie, you may not know what that is but it's okay, its a big word! remember the notebook i gave you ? " dokyeom nodded, " don't forget to write it down ! " a tear rolled down her cheek as dokyeom wiped it for her whispering ' crybaby ' under his breath. " anyway ! let's do something fun today ! " she took dokyeom by the hand and fled into the hospital up to the last floor.
once they were at the last floor , ye bi opened the door towards the roof. a cold breeze swept through the tiny threads of their gowns, gently brushing against their skin sending goosebumps down their spines. " dokyeomie , whenever you feel sad you can always come here and shout like this ! watch " leaning against the edge of the low wall she yelled " DOKYEOMIE YAH I LIKE YOU ! DONT FEEL SAD ILL ALWAYS BE THERE FOR YOU ! ". dokyeom was faced with the teary eyed ye bi. he quickly pulled her into a tight hug amd whispered ' my crybaby, i like you too silly '.

against his chest he could feel a smile form as it warmed his heart even more. butterflies tumbling and fluttering inside his stomach and he smiled. " don't cry !! " he assured , caressing her head. they stayed there for a while before they did all the fun they had planned. watching the sunset and lastly when night fall.

the two fall back against the cold concrete floor as they gazed up into the sky. " look ! that star is especially bright tonight " looking towards ye bi as she nods in reply huffing and puffing, trying to inhale air.

" ye bi ! look there's a shooting star, make a wish. " dokyeom closed his eyes as he had hoped that they would play again tomorrow. soon he woke up to a slightly blue-ish faced ye bi. he shook her but she didn't move or respond. " ye bi ? wake up ! don't leave me like that ? there's still tomorrow !" tears formed in the orbs of the young boy as they petle down onto the lifeless soul of his first love.


this took forever cause im using procrastination as a " coping mechanism " and yasss life update i've been watching thai dramas istg ive never been more in love with thai dramas ever since i watched F4 boys over flowers anyway, this is probably the longest literal one shot i've ever made (;ŏ﹏ŏ) so

story by : ๑•̀ᗢ•́๑

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