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!!Please read author's note!!
I have always been very familiar with doubt because often I doubt myself.
Lately it has not been me doubting myself that's been the problem but the fact that others are placing doubt in my mind. It could be unintentional or they might do it without a second thought. But one thing is for sure.
My confidence wavers.
Whenever I crack a joke and you don't laugh I shrink back and sulk.
Whenever I miss the ball and you look at me, saying nothing, I feel as if your expression is more harmful than words.
Whenever you make a comment and say you were "just kidding" the wonder of you truly were eats away at me for the longest time.
So you see, often doubt is first placed by others but grows as I continue to worry about it for several weeks.
I have always been familiar with doubt because doubt will forever haunt me.
As some of you may know I don't have that much self-esteem and I often succumb to doubt. It's something I need to improve on but I don't really know how to gain and sustain confidence.
Do you have any tips for me?

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