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I am braking.
it's kind of funny how one moment, everything is perfectly fine. you're laughing, having a good time, and without a moment to react something inside you snaps.
for me, this was both literal and figurative.
physically, I an at a loss. an injured acl isn't anything that an athlete wants to hear. surgery and six months of recovery means time ticking away. while everyone else improves, I lose my skill. the spot I was fighting to get has been torn away from me.
this depressing situation is was urged on my mental collapse. never until this moment have I felt so alone. my closest friends couldn't be more distant from me. the ones who actually care to ask only do so because they feel like they should. my boyfriend doesn't know what to say or do. my family pushes past the fact that my life is changing. my school work is getting harder. my lungs are getting smaller and the air seems to be evacuating from my body.
now I sit here with dries tear trails running through my makeup and I try to pretend that everything is fine.
the past week I have told so many people "it's alright, I'm okay."
but that's a lie.
I'm not alright, things are not okay.
my best friend has barely talked to me since she started dating her girlfriend.
my close friend leaves the moment a boy comes by.
there isn't anyone I can talk to that I feel actually cares or wants to help me.
all I really want is someone to hold me and say that they'll stick by my side.
because the air is leaving again and I continue to break down.
my breath is gone.
I am broken.

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