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small rant:
I just hate it how some people can seriously be so two-faced. They act one way and then the second they turn away from you they go back on everything they've ever said, lies coming from both sides of their stories. I feel like my generation is so freaking fake because with the social media we have anyone can pretend to be someone they're not. Gaining confidence behind the screen of your phone isn't going to help you out when your interviewing for your first job or asking for someone's hand in marriage. You need to have actual experiences to prepare for that. Using big and bad words online don't make you seem intimidating or cool, it means that your mind is so small that swearing is the only way you know how to talk. See where saying mean things and cuss words get you in life, and in ten years from now tell me how it worked out for you. Everyone has an act, a mask that they wear that people define them by, but it doesn't define who they actually are. We are all people hiding from our true selves, greeting every person will a smile that can only be described in one word.
Sorry for ranting, there are just some people who make me so mad that I want to scream, so I figure why not put it on here? No one will read it, but what does it matter?
We're all fake anyways.

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