One AM

42 3 0

It's impossible to describe the way you make me feel. Just hearing your voice is enough to make my heart happy and my eyes light up. I can say anything to you and I've never been this comfortable with anyone in my life before.

But then it happened at one am.

We were just talking to each other and I got this unexplainable feeling in my chest. A warm sensation that made me feel like the happiness I had already been feeling was intensified.

I began to wonder: is this what I think it is?

They say that you'll know. That when you feel it, you'll know the time is right. That you'll have no doubt about saying those little three words with massive meaning.

Now it's only been two months. Two months since we first started talking, and since then everything has been happening so fast. But from the start, I knew the way I felt about you was different than the way I used to feel about him.

And truthfully, that was terrifying.

I'm blind in a situation that I'm not used to. You seem confident in your actions and in your words, and I feel lost about how I feel and talk. I want to do this right but I'm not sure how.

But it's one am. And I'm tired. And I'm happy and comfortable and I don't know what to do.

But I don't care because I'm here with you.

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