Chapter 6: Lose

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Chapter 6: Lose

Yamada has been gone for a few days. No contact or messages of any sort. I didn't want to be that obsessive boyfriend who is constantly spamming him, but I couldn't help it.

"Any luck?" Shouta would ask at work.

The company was starting up again since Shouta got out somehow. I was glad, but the office felt quite empty without Yamada. "No." I shook my head.

People at the conferences would constantly ask me where he went, and I provided no answer which made me depressed, and ashamed. Out of all people, I should know about his whereabouts.

I went back home, and saw no signs of Yamada still. I took matters into my own hands, and called the police to file a missing persons case. Of course they gave me the typical "wait 48 hours" bulllshit that I avoided. It has been way over 48 hours.

I told them the information about how he went to Los Angeles California in the United States for some business meeting. I even told them the name of the corporation, and every little detail I could remember.

"We will contact you once we have further information." The click of the phone brought my mood down. I wish there was some instant solution to finding him, but I knew I have to patiently wait.

My hands were shaking that evening. I had to get some new designs, and advertising ideas, but they were all sloppy, and unprofessional. I kept thinking of Yamada.

What if he got murdered or robbed? What would I do if Yamada was really dead? I would kill myself as selfish as it sounded. He was the air I breathed, and the light in my sky. I couldn't live a life without him.

KNOCK KNOCK! The sudden knocking made me jump, and I scurried down the stairs, and to the door.

Opening it I saw Megumi. "Hello Kyou!" She has a smile on her face as always.

"Oh hey." I tried my best to maintain my usual happy face towards her.

"What's wrong?" Her smile fades, and she looks at me with concern.

"A friend is missing." I couldn't say fiancé or boyfriend. It felt weird still.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry." She hugs me.

She smelled nice. I found my arms wrapping around her waist, and I pulled her close. Maybe a hug was what I needed to calm my nerves. I didn't want to hug my guy friends. That would be a little bit strange on my part.

"Thank you..." I pulled away before I thought strange things.

"I'm always here whenever you need me okay?" She places her hand on my shoulder, and pats it.

"I know, thank you. Want to come in?" I smiled.

"Sure. I wanted to invite you to ice cream. It is pretty hot out, and I got coupons from this other family I babysit."

"Sure! Is it far?"

"No, I can drive us both." Her smile made me at ease. A little happy aura couldn't hurt.

We got into her small vehicle, and she drove us down to a small little ice cream shop. I saw a bunch of mini picnic tables located outside the shop. Of course couples surrounded the area. How typical.

We walked inside, and a man that looked like a Japanese Mario came up to the counter. "How many I help you guys?" He smiles.

"I would want one strawberry cone." Megumi said, and she looks over at me.

"Vanilla cone." I said to the man.

"Coming right up." He goes to scoop three scoops per cone, and handed it to us.

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