Chapter 9: Pitched

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Chapter 9: Pitched

"I can't see!" Yamada hollers, and panics. He rubs his eyes roughly. "Kyou!"

"Calm down!" I held him. "I will take you to the doctor."

"Ok...ok..." He catches his breath.

"Let me get changed real quick, and brush my teeth."

"Sure..." He hangs his head low.

I got out of bed, and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I was too tired to seep in all the horrible information that Yamada is throwing in my face.

Suddenly I heard a loud thud. I sprinted out of the bathroom, and saw Yamada was gone. "Yamada!" I yelled. I ran out the room, and to the hallway. I made it down the stairs, and saw Yamada at the very bottom. "Yamada!" I ran towards him. He was knocked out. Shit.

I quickly laid him down, and rushed upstairs to get my cellphone, but then stopped. What am I doing? I will just drive him down myself.

Quickly, I got back to Yamada, and lifted him up from the floor. I grabbed the car keys, and quickly placed him in the passenger's seat. Please be okay. I hated being in the car so much for emergencies like this.

My hands were shaking badly. The keys wouldn't insert into the slit. I had to hold my wrist until I could insert the key properly. I took a deep breath, and started the path to the hospital.

Here I am again, in the waiting room. Why is everything happening so quickly? I thought I could finally settle, and be happy, but I can never seem to relax. Maybe if I loved a woman it would be simpler.

"Kyou?" The doctor came out. He has gotten used to me by now that he calls me Kyou which upsets me.

"Is he okay?" I asked with anticipation. Hoping a good answer will come through.

"He is fine. No major injuries."

"Is he blind?" I fear the question.

The doctor looks down at his feet, and up at me. He places a hand on my shoulder. "I think you should go see him. Comfort him if you can. Room 167"

I knew the answer. How could I face Yamada knowing this was his fate? I picked up my feet, and started walking slowly to his room number. My heart was pounding, and my temples began to sweat.

As I approached the room, the scent of medication filled my nose. More so in this particular room Yamada stayed in. He was laying there. Luckily there was no one else in the bed next to him so we could discuss our matters privately.

"Yamada..." I went to sit by the bedside hesitantly. I reach out to touch his hand.

"Where am I?" He says immediately in his deep hoarse voice.

"You are at the hospital. You know why you are here right?"

"No. I think I fell." He sits up slowly, and I held his hand.


"I can't see...what's going on?" He holds his head.

"You're just sleepy. Sleep more." I tried my best to maintain my calmness.

"I'll miss seeing you. I know it." He closes his eyes.

"Hey stop it." I wrapped my arms around him. I felt that horrible feeling in my chest. I wanted to sob, but I shouldn't. I can't be weak when he needs me to he strong.

"Can I go home?" He asked faintly.

"Of course. We will be home soon. No worries." I placed a small kiss on his forehead.

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