Chapter 19: Mind

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Chapter 19: Mind

I sat in front of Yamada, and the doctor. Today was the day when his bandages will be removed. I was excited for him.

I realized the day prior to today, Yamada had sent me that limited model of my design as an early birthday gift. It touched me a ton, but it brought back sour memories I wanted to forget. Somehow I felt he did it on purpose to make me feel bad. I did get that design confirmed because of what I did in the past. It still haunts me.

The doctor starts unraveling the bandages slowly, and my heart was racing. Time has never passed so slow.

When the bandages were finally off, Yamada slowly opened his eyes. His jet black eyes returned, and I found myself captivated.

"Mr. Yamada, can you see?" The doctor asks.

His eyes roams around, and a small smirk appeared on his lips. "I can faintly. Still a bit blurry."

"It's normal. You will be able to see fairly well soon. Today is the day of your release. Please take care of yourself." He hands Yamada some pain medication.

"Thank you." Yamada bows.

I waited for him to walk towards me so we could head out to the car. I wonder if he can see me.

Yamada walks towards me. "Let's go." He pats my shoulder, and I followed after him.

He didn't walk normally since he was still dizzy from seeing something again. I placed my arm around him to assist him. He looks down, and pushes me off. "I'm good. Thank you Kusaka."

"Okay." I followed him out the front doors, and into the car.

We didn't speak during the car ride. I just felt like an asshole if I just abandon him after he can see again. I thought about that counseling again. Maybe it might be a good option.

"Yamada, do you think we should do the counseling thing? I felt that we've been through a lot, and it would be a waste if we don't even try to save it."

"Whatever you want Kusaka." He annoyingly said. Did he not want to? I knew my interest is fading, but I'm still trying. I wish he did too, but he's still the same.

When we got back to the house, I helped Yamada with his luggage, and then called up Matsuda to ask about the counseling.

"Oh Kyou! I think she is on her lunch break now. I will give you the address."

"Okay." I took out a pen, and paper, and scribbled down the address.

"Yamada! Let's go. I want to get it over with. I hope you don't mind." I could feel deep down I didn't want to go, but it felt so wrong to leave without trying.


We got back into the car, and I punched down the address into the gps. I looked over to Yamada who sat there lifelessly.

I started driving. "You know you can talk to me right?" I asked.

"Why are we doing this for? Why can't you just say we are over with?" His voice shows signs of irritation.

"Because I want to fight for it unlike you."

"I didn't leave this time." He glares.

"Well I want to fix it. Maybe you can be a little more open about your opinions."

"I think this is ridiculous, and unnecessary. I already agreed on ending this pointless relationship. Our bet is done."


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