Chapter 26: Moves

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Chapter 26: Moves

Her stare pierced me. She had that grin plastered on her face yet again. I can't stand this woman. How can Yamada stand her? Her vibes are just devious, and plain annoying.

I awkwardly went to sit down in my chair. Her eyes doesn't leave mine. Yamada also fixed his eyes on me, and I felt like the center of attention, which I didn't want to be.

"Everyone, this is Kare. She will be the person to make this bundle happen. She is the producer of this whole project, and she will be assisting us here in the office." Yamada announced to the whole room.

The room chatted, and my mind went blank. I didn't want to hear any more of the conversation. I stood up, and left the room. A bunch of eyes must of glued on my sudden abrupt leave, but I could care less.

I scurried to the men's restroom, and occupied a stall. There was no one in the room with me. Thank god.

I let out a big sigh, and realized that Yamada was no longer with me. I think he really likes this woman. I never saw him blush around me. Why her? She seems so evil.

I heard the restroom door opening slowly. "Kyou?" It was Yamada's voice.

"What?" I replied while still being in the stall.

"Do you have a stomach ache?"

"I'm not here to shit. I just don't want to be in that room."

"I just want to move on. I hope you understand." He replies.

"I guess."

"What is it you want?"

"You." I cowardly said.

"You're confusing." He sighs.

"I know."

"I can't break up with her because you suddenly want a relationship with me."

"Why not?"

"Because you will only leave again."

"Who is she?" I clenched my fist.

"My first girlfriend. My first love." He says in a hushed tone.

"Why is she even here?" There were so many questions I wanted to ask, but was too afraid to know the answer to.

"She just happened to come to town. She also is in the same line of business so I decided to have her on the team."

I opened the stall, and went to grab him by his shoulders. He looks up at me, and backs away.

"Yamada. Why did you break up with her?"

That single question lead to me, and Yamada sitting in his living room later that evening. We sat across from each other at the table. His gaze was tired.

"Are you going to tell me?" I asked him finally. I noticed Yamada hardly talked about his childhood or past relationships. It made me all the more curious, even now.

"I met her in my first year in high school. We both shared an interest in business, and economics so we would often pair up, and eventually we began dating."

I didn't want to ask if he was the one to ask her out. It was most likely a yes that he did.

"We dated for quite some time, but one day she told me she slept with another man, and that she couldn't forgive herself. She moved away after that, and I haven't seen her since now. It is bizarre I must admit. I still have a soft spot for her." He loosens his tie.

"Why do you still like her?"

"She's the first female I grew to love. I don't take cheating lightly, but apparently I do." He semi glares at me, and the lump in my throat stayed there.

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