Chapter 14: Her

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Chapter 14: Her

Work was exhausting. I ran around the office delivering files, and sketches to different employees. I had to get Shouta the coffee he needed to function. He has been really into his work. I guess him finally following his dream to becoming a man has made him more active. In a way that was giving me good vibes.

"Kyou?" Saito smiles at me when I was fetching coffee for Shouta from the small machine downstairs.

"Huh? Why are you here?"

"Well I work here now. I think me, and Shouta are on good terms." He smiles happily.

"You mean you guys..."

"Shhh." He hushes me.

I saw Satoshi walking in through the front doors. I almost forgot I offered him a job here. Now I kinda regretted it since I knew he did something with Yamada.

"Hey Kyou." He says.

Saito saw the tension between us, and he takes the coffee from my hands. "I will get this to Shouta. You guys can chat." He walks away.

"Want to head out for lunch?" I asked Satoshi with a smile.

His eyes widen as if he wasn't expecting me to ask. "Sure."

We went to a diner near the building. It wasn't as crowded so it was the best candidate. We sat across each other with our burgers, fries, and sodas.

"Satoshi have you ever did anything with Seiji?" I asked as I took a sip of the soft drink.

He looks down. "Yeah once. I was really appealed to him. Kazuo wasn't loving, and he kinda was."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Yamada was drunk, and I kinda forced it on him. It isn't his fault. I don't think he was even fully aware. My apologies."

I didn't feel angry since he apologized. However, I felt awful for blaming Yamada so harshly. Why didn't Yamada tell me he was drunk? He always makes himself sound terrible on purpose.

"I'm not angry anymore. I've done shitty things too." I ate a fry, and kept my eyes down.

"If you hated me I wouldn't mind. I have nothing to lose. I feel really lost without Kazuo."

I looked up to see his face red. It looked like he was about to cry, and I didn't want that right now. "Hey um..want to visit Kazuo?" I asked. I kinda wanted to visit him too.

"Yeah!" He looks up excited.

I drove him down to the graveyard. He wanted to buy some flowers before we went so I drove him to buy some. When we finally reached the grave yard, he ran towards random graves to place flowers on them. I assumed it was his family. Then he dashed to Kazuo's grave. He knew exactly where it was located which I found really nice.

He kneels down, and places flowers on multiple graves first, and finally a sunflower on Kazuo's grave. I didn't want to go near the grave since I felt guilty of not helping Kazuo when he needed me. I didn't know what he was going through. I was a bad friend.

I looked at my watch, and kept track of the time before our lunch break was over. Shouta wasn't as uptight as Yamada, but he would get annoyed if anyone was late.

Recently Shouta has been describing a new cologne that would be releasing in the early summer. It was name 'Raine.' I realized that Shouta wasn't going to use Yamada's idea of design, and I was scared of how Yamada would react upon figuring that out.

Satoshi spent a good fifteen minutes there in front of the grave. I looked at my watch. It was almost time to head back. "Come on Satoshi!" I called out to him.

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