Chapter 28: Dress

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Chapter 28: Dress

It has been four years now. I knew that amount of time normally isn't long for someone my age, but I had to do it. I finally popped the special question to her.

"Will you marry me?" I was on one knee after our four year anniversary dinner at home.

Megumi's face heated up in a blush. A single tear escaped the corner of her eye as she smiles. "Yes!" She wraps her small arms around me, and pulls me in for a kiss.

It didn't felt as rushed. Everyday spent was spent together. We would always eat dinner, and chatted on our days. Megumi finally landed a job at a supermarket. Luckily the owner was Japanese so she would teach Megumi Korean here, and there.

Our sex life was almost as innocent as ever. I wasn't complaining. We do it about once a week, and I managed to stay hard. I do love her deep down.

The emptiness in my heart started fading away as the days passed by. I never got a call or text from Yamada. It was a lost cause to be hoping for such things.

I laid in bed that evening with Megumi wrapped around me. She had the tendency to use me as her human body pillow, and it felt nice. I felt loved most of the time.

"I'm so happy." She whispers as she kisses my cheek.

"Me too." I replied.

"Megumi Kusaka. Sounds cute." She giggles.

"Yeah." I nodded. I felt my body drifting away. I was too tired.

I suddenly remembered that night with my boss. The night I thought he tried to kiss me. He ended up passing out on me, and I had to stay at the bar until I was okay to drive. Luckily I wasn't a heavy drinker. I managed to get him, and myself home.

I learned that my boss Park Jeong was a very complicated man. He would nag about his wife a lot. I would hear countless stories of how he thinks his wife is cheating on him. I got bored of all of that so all I did was nod. Poor man. Why not just divorce? Unless he loves her, and is a fool like me.

I woke the next morning. I wanted my wedding to be in June. I looked over to the mini calendar on my night stand. That is exactly one month from now. I had to get my shit together.

I quietly left my house to go to my parents. They were the ones that suggested a church so I wanted to confirm the destination.

I drove down to their house, and knocked on the door. My mother opens, and smiles. "I know why you're here." She says.

I smiled at my mother. She always knows exactly what is on my mind. Excluding the bad stuff of course. I walked in, and we chatted.

June rolled around quickly before I knew it. I knew I would have to see my ex girlfriend again since she is Megumi's sister. I dreaded that.

The day came when I was sitting in front of a mirror as Junko fixes my tux, and tie. He was going to be my best man. Even Matsuda came to be at my wedding. I knew Kari, Saito, and Sayuri will be there as well. Luckily no one held grudges on each other.

"Today is your big day." Junko taps my shoulder. "Who knew you will marry before me."

"You can't get a wife from strip club tickets." I laughed.

"Shut up." Junko laughs.

"Kyou I'm so happy for you." Matsuda exclaims.

We chatted just the three of us in the changing room. "Can't wait to see how my bride will look." I laughed.

"Me too. I haven't seen her in forever." Junko sighs.

We laughed, and talked away. It felt weird seeing everyone again. I knew I will have to be eye to eye with everyone at the after party.

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