Extra: Romance Questions

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Extra: Romance Questions

A/N: So hectic wrapping up for us university students. My brain is fried to upload an actual chapter so I will do another one of these short extra things. Also I will add the two main protagonists from "Splinter" as well since there is no extra for them. Happy reading! :)

Question 1: What would you do if your significant other wants to break up with you?

Kyou: Well, ask them why. There has to be a reason. Hmmmm maybe try to reason with them.

Seiji: Then I let them go. There is no use in wasting time when they made their choice. Simply they are not worth my time.

Satoshi: Well honestly I don't care unless they are someone of significance. Either way I think I would just tell them to fuck off. I really don't care.

Kazuo: I would ask them why, and talk it out since there has to be a clear explanation. Unless they cheated, and the guilt...then you messed up badly haha.

Question 2: How would you break up with your partner if you knew that it isn't working out between you two?

Kyou: I would try my absolute best to make it work out. I would try my best to reminisce of the good times we had, and try to relive it with them.

Seiji: Simply tell them that we should cut ties.

Satoshi: Just tell them straight up that we should break up. Why make it complicated for?

Kazuo: I would tell them sorry, and that it isn't working out. Why waste effort on someone you can not see a future with? I see no point in doing so.

Question 3: If you caught your partner cheating, what would you do?

Kyou: I will be really upset, but I will let them explain themselves. If their reasoning is beyond stupid then I would break it off. Though....cheating has no explanation. If I loved them for years then I will give them a second chance.

Seiji: I will ask my partner why they committed the act. If they fully explain it with mere honestly, and they were fully apologetic, and agreed to not do it again, then I will try my best to rebuild my trust in them.

Satoshi: I probably will scream at them, and beat the shit out of them regardless of what gender. After my anger swells down, then I guess I will talk to them. Not sure if I would date them again though. Unless I really love the bastard haha!

Kazuo: Kill them both. Haha!

Question 4: Where is your favorite place to have sex? And what position is your favorite?

Kyou: Oh hehe. I guess the comforts of my own home or their place. My favorite position will have to be missionary because you two can stare into each other's eyes!

Seiji: Isn't this too personal?

Satoshi: I have a thing with roof sex. Not sure why. It is so risky, and adventurous. I don't have a position I particularly like.

Kazuo: My car. It's just so exotic to pull up anywhere, and have a little fun. I don't have a specific position that I like. I just like my inferior to be exposed.

Question 5: Would you say your orientation is gay?

Kyou: Oh no not at all. Sure I admit after Yamada, I've been eyeing down men because I wanted someone similar to Yamada. No woman can live up to Yamada so that is why. But no no I love my fair share of lovely boobs!

Seiji: Absolutely not!

Satoshi: I have no idea. I guess so. I don't really have eyes for girls when they liked me in school.

Kazuo: Nope. I just like one man. Satoshi. I can not lay eyes on another man. However women capture me all the time. Mostly their beauty. Heh heh.

Question 6: Any secrets you are keeping from your significant other?

Kyou: So yes...when Yamada is sleeping, I tend to take pictures of him haha! It is creepy, but his sleeping face looks so peaceful compared to his grumpy face during the day.

Seiji: I suppose so. On days when Kyou is away, I sometimes would wait by the door. When he does come home, I quickly go, and pretend to do some sort of irrelevant activity until he greets me with a hug. I have grown fond of his sent.

Satoshi: I would always buy condoms for Kazuo, and sneakingly put them in his treasure chest by his nightstand. For months he would always wonder why he hasn't ran out. Now you know.

Kazuo: I know Satoshi's phone passcode, so when he sleeps, I would look through his phone. He has a lot of pictures of himself with friends. I would take the occasional picture of myself, and set it as his wallpaper. Not much of a secret since it is obvious I do it.

Question 7: How would you feel if your partner is switched? (Ex: Kyou/Kazuo, Seiji/Satoshi, Satoshi/Kyou, Seiji/Kazuo).

Kyou: If I had to be paired with Kazuo...I think our love life would be so much fun since we are already close friends. Just not sure who would be the bottom haha! I guess me. And if I had to be with Satoshi..I think it will be like being with Yamada since they are pretty alike in my eyes.

Seiji: If I had to be with either one, it would be distasteful since I am not fond of either of them.

Satoshi: I would probably be blushing a lot if Yamada is my boyfriend. He is so intimidating, and handsome. Kyou...I don't know if that would work out since he is way too happy for my liking.

Kazuo: I don't think there would be a relationship with Seiji. Kyou would be cool since we go way back.

Question 8: Choose one of the candidates to be your boyfriend (excluding your own partner). Why did you specifically choose them?

Kyou: I will say Kazuo since we are friends, and most relationships build up from friendship.

Seiji: I don't like men really. How can I even choose? If I really must, I suppose Mr. Fujiwara because he doesn't seem too over the top about life.

Satoshi: Yamada because...he is so handsome haha!

Kazuo: My boy Kyou because he is my boy!

Question 9: What girl from both stories would you date, and why?

Kyou: I will date Megumi because we have this connection...she makes me happy.

Seiji: Katie because she seems well educated, witty, and has qualities I would want in a partner.

Satoshi: Sayuri because I love a girl that isn't shy to admit what she wants.

Kazuo: Miyu...she is just so damn fine with her curves. She is all woman.

Question 10: Describe your partner in three words.

Kyou: Handsome, smart, admirable.

Seiji: Way too annoying.

Satoshi: Sexy, seductive, and mine.

Kazuo: Cute, grumpy, and misunderstood.

A/N: Hope you enjoy! Chapters coming soon!

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