Chapter 22: Mystery

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Chapter 22: Mystery

Megumi waited for me at the waiting room in Raine. I walked into the freshly decorated halls, and saw her sitting there reading a magazine. She sees me, and her eyes lit up.

"Kyou! I brought you some lunch." She held out a bento wrapped in a polka dotted red, and white cloth.

"Thank you! So cute." I took the box in my hands. "I was going to head out to lunch, but this works."

She smiles. "I'm glad. I have to head home to babysit this one little girl down my street. She is so sweet."

"What about teaching?"

"I have a day off today. I think I might actually get my own classroom soon. Being a student teacher or substitute sucks." She chuckles.

"I'm sure you will get there."

"Mr. Kusaka, the chief wants to see you." The woman at the reception desk said.

"No need to inform him." Shouta walks out from the double doors. He walks over to me. "Hello." He says.


"I don't want to ask, but can you watch Masa tonight? I have really important matters to attend to, and he seems to have a liking for you."

"He does?" My eyes lit up.

"Yeah. He's been bugging my grandmother about seeing you again because you're his dad. The boy really is delusional, and odd." He looks away blushing.

"Sure I can watch him." I smiled.

"Me too!" Megumi jumps in. "Hello, I'm Kyou's girlfriend." She extends her hand out for a handshake.

Shouta looks surprised, and doesn't take her hand. He looks, and arches his brow at me. "Nice to meet you. I'm his boss."

"Oh..." She puts her hand down. "No hard feelings right?" She looks scared.

"Huh? Why?"

"I mean most people would not like their ex's new partner." She looks down, and rubs her arm.

Shouta burst out in laughter. "Haha! Me?! Me, and Kyou were not like that. He was with my brother. Not me." He cracks up, and I felt annoyed.

"Oh I feel so stupid." She blushes.

"You had no idea, so you aren't stupid."

"Thank you sir." She bows.

He nods, and faces me. "I will drop Masa at your house. I assume you, and Junko live together now."

"That's right."

"Oh no! You can drop him at my house." Megumi suggests. "I am already babysitting someone. Wouldn't hurt to have a playmate." She smiles.

"Oh okay. Address?" Shouta takes out a small notepad, and Megumi begins telling him her address.

"Kyou, and I will take care of him." She smiles.

"Good." He smirks. "See you later Kyou." He walks off.

That evening, I was at Megumi's house. The little girl she had to babysit was still a baby in her crib. I thought she would of been at least in elementary school.

"Didn't know it was legit a baby." I laughed.

"I didn't mention it. Sorry Kyou." She frowns.

"No don't worry." I stroke her hair, and she blushes at my touch.

DING DONG! I hated the doorbell, but I went to get it for her since she was changing the diaper. I scurried downstairs, and opened the door. It was none other than Masa, and Shouta.

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