Chapter 30: Endings

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Chapter 30: Endings

Maybe I was a shitty husband. I knew in the back of my head I wasn't deeply in love with Megumi. I kept pretending I was. I kept forcing myself to love her, and in the end it just left me miserably alone.

I felt a tear escaping my eyes, and I quickly wiped it before anyone could see.

"Daddy. Don't cry." Asami wipes it.

"I'm okay." I smiled. "Eat your burger." I pointed to the burger I had bought her.

I would see Asami on the weekends. It was better if I didn't have custody since I was an emotional wreck.

Megumi informed me that her mother is getting better. She moved in to her very own house near her mother. It was a suitable thing to do for someone in her situation as of now.

"Daddy. Why don't we spend time together anymore?"

"Well me, and mommy decided to separate because I'm busy a lot."

"But I don't mind!"

"I know, but sometimes it can't be like that."I frowned. "Let me drive you to mommy okay. I got to go anyways." I walked her into the car, and drove her down to Megumi's house.

The drive was pretty quiet. It tore me apart that I upset my daughter, but it had to be done. I drove up to the driveway, and saw Megumi watering her flowers.

"Mommy!" Asami runs to hug Megumi, and Megumi does the same with a smile. She looks up at me.

"Asami, let me speak to daddy. Go inside." She says gently.

"Okay mom!" She runs inside.

"How have you been?" Megumi goes to greet me.

"Good." It has been three months since we've separated. It was hard, but I managed.

"I hope you are doing well. I've actually met someone. I hope you don't mind."

"No. I don't." I smiled. I wasn't bothered at all honestly. Was I a jerk?

"Good. I hope you find your way. I think this was for the best."

"Right. See you." I waved. "I'll pick her up next weekend."

"Okay. Take care Kyou." She smiles, and walks in the house.

I drove back down to Raine Co. I dreaded going, but I knew I had to face my fears. It will never go away.

I walked in through the big sliding glass doors, and was greeted by a receptionist. It wasn't the same lady I had remembered. She probably quit or it wasn't her day to work today.

"How may I help you?" The woman with short dark brown hair, and square rimmed glasses said.

"Kyou Kusaka. I'm here to see Chief Shouta Yamada."

"Right this way." She gets up, and leads me to the hallway I was already familiar with.

"I know where to go. I used to work here." I smiled.

"Oh? Wonderful!" She smiles. The woman left me be, and I made my way to the familiar office. I saw Shouta was inside sorting out files. I knocked, and he looked up.

"Kyou!" His voice was a lot deeper. He must be transitioning.

"Hey." I smiled. "Sorry I didn't go to the reunion party.

"Why are you here?" He looks confused.

"I wanted to drop by. I moved back to Japan recently, and figured I would stop running away from everything."

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