Chapter 23: Submerge

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Chapter 23: Submerge

The room went silent, and I could smell the freshly shot of a gun. I looked over to Megumi who was unharmed. The bullet barely missed her.

"Are you insane?!" Shouta screams at Yamada.

Yamada drops his arm, and touches his head. "Sorry."

Masa runs away, and hugs Megumi's legs.

Yamada glares at Masa, and Megumi. "Why is she so special Kyou?" His eyes fixated on me, and it frightened me. The intensity of his stare sent chills down my body.

"Yamada I don't think this is the time." I said calmly.

"Course not, I already moved on."

Megumi's head jerks up, and her eyes met Yamada's. Her face gets red, and she backs away some. "Sorry." She mumbles. "I didn't know Kyou.."

"It's okay." He replies.

The room got silent, and Yamada retreats upstairs once again.

I couldn't find the words to say to the rest of the gang. We just all went to sleep. I was a bit hesitant since Yamada could kill us at any moment when we are asleep. Is he the next Kazuo or something?

I found myself waking up the next morning around 7:00. I yawned a great one, and rubbed my eyes gently. I saw Megumi sleeping on the couch sound fully. The baby was in its little bed carrier, and everyone was on the couch. Luckily the couch was huge enough to fit everyone.

I suddenly smelled the lovely brewed espresso that Yamada would traditionally make every morning. I stretched out my legs, and walked on over to the kitchen.

I saw Yamada making the espresso. His eyes roamed over to me. "Good morning Mr. Kusaka, have a cup if you may." He points to the tray that had three cups of coffee, a milk cup, and a cup of juice on it.

"Thanks." I took one, and took a small sip. It tasted the same. Yamada should be the owner of Starbucks or something since his drinks taste ten times better than those artificial shits.

"Welcome. The storm has died down, so you may bring your friends home." He shifts his gaze to the newspaper that was laying on the counter where he stood.

"I will. Thank you again Yamada." I bowed.

I finished the cup, and waited on the couch for everyone else to wake up.

Shouta finally drove all of us back to our residence when everyone was awake. It was a pretty confusing jumble of events that had just happened prior. My head was throbbing.

Shouta reaches over to me, and touched my face which made me jerked back from my seat. It was only me, and him in the car now. He had already dropped off everyone first.

"Sorry." He looks down. "You just look like you might of had a fever, so I decided to check."

"It's okay." I kept my head down.

"I sent you a late happy birthday gift. I happened to find the sketches, and drafts of 'Amor.'"

My head went back up. "You sent it? I swore it was Yamada."

"I am 'Yamada' haha!" He cracks up.

"You know what I mean. Seiji." I blushed.

"I'm just messing with you. I hope you like it. It means a great deal that you would watch over Masa. It's tough. I rather not get into detail." Shouta looks uneasy.

"I won't ask." I nodded.

He drove me back to my house, and I saw I had a broken window. "Shit." I groaned.

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