Chapter 1: Finding Comfort

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I was walking along the sidewalk as the streetlights flickered to life, hugging myself in my dark pink hoodie. I squinted my eyes when I saw a flash, assuming it must be lightening since rain was lightly falling. Instead I saw a group of people with cameras, surrounding someone. I looked both ways before crossing the fairly busy road, getting a closer glimpse. I stopped in my tracks when I saw a guy with a tan headband pulling his blonde hair back. I could tell he was highly attractive as random girls went up to him for an autograph. He just politely smiled as he handled the situation quite well. I felt like an outsider as I held onto myself even tighter, not even comprehending that the weather was getting stronger. It took a downpour for me to blink my eyes from this scene, running for the nearest building. Thankfully there was a nice diner, probably a popular stop for truck drivers, since it was small with a counter with bar stools. I cautiously touched the top of my dark brown hair, hoping it was still straight, since it was now soaked. I tucked my side bangs behind my ear as it grazed my shoulders, freezing when one of the waitresses spoke up. She was a middled aged woman with her black hair pulled up into a messy bun with her small curls.

"Are you going to order something? Only paying customers can stay in here," she informed me.

"Oh yeah. What do you have," I timidly asked, struggling to hop onto one of the red stools with my short height.

"We have hamburgers, hotdogs, french fries, onion rings, if it's a type of fast food then we've got it."

"I'll take a cheeseburger with mayonnaise and a tomato and a side of onion rings." I fiddled with my fingers as my stomach rumbled since I hadn't eaten since lunch. I just kept to myself, not feeling comfortable being alone in public. I had just been coming back from my job of working at the library. I was 20 years old, and still had no clue where I wanted my future to end up at. I had skipped college for that very reason, not wanting to be in debt without a job I should have been studying for.

"What would you like, hon," the lady questioned the customer that had sat beside me.

"I'll have a hamburger with everything on it and some fries," the male voice answered.

I chanced a peek over at him, not meaning to stare when it was the one being photographed from before.

"Hey," he warmly smiled, literally glowing like an angel.

"Hi." I mirrored his beautiful expression as I subconsciously petted my hair down again, it still a bit dewy.

"You ever been here before?" He naturally licked his lips in the most adorable and tantalizing motion.

"No, I just needed a place to get out of the rain." I wanted to add more, but I hesitated since he was a stranger.

"Me too, and I was avoiding the paparazzi. I can't complain, since it's honor to get to do what I love, acting, but it does come along with it."

"What's your name," I curiously wondered.

"Leo, Leonardo DiCaprio. What's your name?"

"Hattie," I blushed, my brown eyes struggling to meet those ocean blue.

"I like that name. Have you ever seen Growing Pains?"

"Oh yeah, I love that show! I love how Kirk Cameron plays the role of Mike. He's honestly one of my favorite characters. I was sad when it ended, especially since the last season actually got better. They had this kid on it..." My eyes widened when I felt stupid, seeing the name from the opening song flashing through my mind. "That was you?"

He chuckled lowly as he gradually nodded, biting his lower lip.

"You've changed." I looked him up and down as I felt more heat flooding to my cheeks. "I mean, you looked so young in that show."

"Yeah, I've always looked young for my age." He touched his chin as our order came simultaneously. I tried not to giggle when he found the bottle of ketchup, pouring a huge glob beside his sandwich on the round, white plate. He then rolled his french fries around in it before eating a few, me munching on my onion rings. "I've never seen anyone eat them like that before." He was faintly laughing when he caught me pulling out the onion to eat by itself first, saving the breading for last.

"I know I eat them weird. I've been doing it this way since I was a little kid," I confessed, feeling embarrassed.

"Hey, a lot of people talk about how I eat my fries, so I get it. Nothing can beat fries drowning in ketchup."

I actually giggled that time as I turned my head, trying my cheeseburger as we ate in silence for awhile.

"What brought you here," Leo spoke up when we were nearly done eating.

"I had just gotten done with my late shift at the library. Actually it closes early, but this time of year the sun sets so soon it feels later."

He nodded some as I searched for a way to continue the conversation, my heart skipping a beat in fear when he stood. I just figured he was getting ready to leave, but he sat again after stretching.

"I'm going to be in a new movie soon, The Basketball Diaries. They're still looking for a few girl actresses if you're interested."

"I would love that. I haven't done a lot of acting, but it is something that interests me."

"It doesn't hurt to audition. I can put in a good word for you. I know we just met, but I can just tell you're a nice person."

"Thanks." I faintly smiled as he rose to his feet again, taking some money out of his wallet to set on the counter.

"I have to go, but it was nice meeting you, Hattie." He slid over his unused napkin, jotting down something with a Sharpie from his pocket. "We can talk more about the movie role and stuff if you want. Call me soon, since I don't know how soon they'll need you to audition."

"You could have my number too," I offered.

"Alright." He held out the black marker as my trembling fingers grasped it. I shakily wrote my name and information in cursive, us exchanging the napkins. "Bye, Hattie." He held up his hand for a simple wave before ducking out the door, pulling his hood over his head, probably to hide from the media.

I reached into my own purse to pay the lady at the counter, but she refused to take it. "That young man left enough for both of you." I felt a warm feeling in my tummy that he had paid for my meal too.

I shivered when I stepped into the chilly night, finding comfort in crossing my arms before tilting my head up towards the sky. A few clouds were parting as the half moon lit them up, me somehow finding comfort in the now distant thunder.

A/N: Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this first chapter. The description is lyrics from Sabrina Carpenter's song, "In My Bed." I seriously think it's one of her best songs, and I can't believe I just discovered it. Anyway, please remember to comment, vote, and follow. Thank you so much! <3

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