Chapter 12: Are You Going to See Him Again?

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Leo and I had to redo a few balcony scenes, since the angles weren't exactly right the day before. I smiled warmly at Paul Rudd as I smoothed out my white dress.

"Hey, I came to see you in action. I was so busy dancing with you before," he said. He really had the most gorgeous smile, causing the giggles and butterflies to attack me again.

"Okay." I ducked my head before finding Leo in his knight costume, noticing how he was eyeing Paul warily.

"Alright, so Hattie, Leo, I want to redo the part when Romeo is saying goodbye to Juliet, and he climbs up to her balcony. We need to get a better view of the kissing, since it was covered by the pillars yesterday. And action," called Baz, Leo climbing to me with fierce determination as we made plans of getting married. It was then time for the last few kisses, me leaning down to find his lips. I was thrown off when he kissed me deeply and long, doing my best to just go with it. I was becoming dizzy as his tongue caressed mine, barely hearing the director call to us. "Cut! Leo, you're kissing her too deeply. It needs to be passionate but also light, no tongue."

I glanced at Paul as he stood by the cameras with his arms crossed, a blank expression on his face.

"And... action," yelled Baz, us redoing our lines. This time I thought Leo was going to kiss me right, but he was still smooshing our lips together more than necessary as though we weren't about to be caught. "Cut! Leo, I know you want to kiss the girl, but it's just too much," he emphasized even using his hands to get his point across. "You weren't kissing her like this yesterday. Do what you did then."

Leo licked his lips before his ocean eyes met with mine, my own lips getting a little sore from his brash approach.

"Are you okay," I mouthed, but he didn't get to answer before we were starting our acting again. This time he kissed me correctly, but the way he lingered for a brief moment felt sad, and I couldn't understand what was going through his head. Even though as Romeo he appeared joyful and filled with hope, I could tell there was a light missing from his blue orbs.

"Cut! That was great, but Leo you need to have more feeling. Normally I have to tell you to tone it down, but right now you are just not delivering your best performance. I know you can do better," Baz explained. "Start from after the kiss, and try to feel more of what Romeo is feeling."

Leo barely nodded as he touched his nose for a moment, giving it his all just like the previous day.

"Perfect! Now let's all take a break."

"Leo, are you okay," I checked, touching his arm gently as he bit his lower lip.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I just need to get more rest. I'll be fine," he claimed, jogging off.

"Hey, you did a great job. Leo's really lucky to have all those kissing scenes with you," Paul softly chuckled, giving me a fond expression.

"Yeah, usually it goes more smoothly though."

"You need some Chapstick? Your lips look a little sore."

"That would be nice," I admitted, him holding up one from his pocket with a slight smirk/smile. "You don't have a cold or anything, do you?" I gave him the same expression as I already started putting it on my lips.

"No, and I just had a doctor's appointment before we traveled here, so I am in perfect condition."

I couldn't stop myself from smiling even though it made it harder to apply the Chapstick. "Thanks again for this." I handed him the small tube back, him stopping me.

"You can keep it. You might need it again. I mean, you have more filming today." He touched the back of his neck as I felt a bright red creeping up my neck.

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