Chapter 20: To Make Each Day Count

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I stood in the dark kitchen for at least two hours, my arms crossed as I just stared into space. I had already finished crying awhile ago, but I still felt empty inside. I thought I heard something like padded footsteps, turning my head when I saw movement from the corner of my eye. There stood Leo, his hair disheveled and his own eyes sad and bloodshot. I gave him the weakest smile before it quickly disappeared, him cautiously coming over to me.

"I'm sorry I ran out like that," I apologized barely above a whisper.

"It's okay. I think we both needed time to think." His voice was almost equally as soft, me wanting to cry all over again when he gently wrapped his arms around me from behind. I touched his hand as I just ran my fingertips over it, staying silent for a few moments.

"Are you okay?" I wasn't sure if he would be able to hear me when I was barely audible.

"I'm fine," he claimed, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"I didn't mean it, Leo. I didn't mean it when I said..."

"When you said what?" Why did he have to sound so soothing?

"When I said I didn't know if we should get married. I hope I didn't mess everything up."

"Fuck, I'm so glad to hear that." I felt his body instantly relax, not realizing how tense he was originally. "I was so scared of losing you, Hattie. I knew I couldn't force you to stay with me. If you didn't think you could handle the Leo Mania, then I wasn't going to make you miserable by staying."

"I'd be more miserable if I left. It's just hard to deal with. I think I reached a breaking point today. I think I had been bottling up my feelings for too long."

"Do you really not like acting that well?"

"I didn't exactly mean that either. What I meant was I just don't like all the attention with it."

"I don't like it either, Hattie. I just do acting because it's what I love. I never planned on becoming a heartthrob. Even now, I appreciate it that people like me that well, but it's not something I need. You're what I need." I felt him squeeze my middle faintly but somehow firmly at the same time.

"I love you, Leo," I nearly cried.

"I love you, Kiwi."

I slightly laughed as I smiled with happy tears before wiggling out of his grip to face him. "I love you, Noodle."

He chuckled a tiny bit himself before continuing this silly game. "I love you, baby."

"I love you... pookie."

"No... Let's not start that." He leaned his head to the side as he almost whined, but he was grinning.

"Okay, then I love you Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio." I bopped his nose, able to tell he was blushing even in the dark.

"I love you, Hattie Marlo Jensen."

"I love you more," I teased as I tugged on his hand in the direction of the staircase.

"I love you most." I squealed when he chased after me, hopping onto our bed before he pinned my bent arms down. My chest rose and fell rapidly as he kept himself above my waist, his legs shaking from having to hold himself up. "I want you so fucking much," he breathed. "We could have been married last month."

"I think it's better that we weren't. I'm glad we got this worked out before the ceremony. I want you too, but waiting will be worth it."

"It already is." He leaned in to kiss me delicately before rolling beside me.

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