Chapter 5: Once in a Lifetime Opportunity

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It felt like a lifetime before we were able to see Leo again, getting a horrible gut feeling when he hugged Cecilia first again.

"Hey, I missed you guys," he said, me hating how he always addressed us together. It just made it more confusing if he had a crush on either one of us. I was currently in his embrace, freezing up when he rubbed my upper back soothingly for a moment. He gave me a small smile when we parted, those ocean eyes pulling me under. "Your scene is pretty short. You pretty much just have to claim you don't remember or know who Jim is."

"Yeah, we've been practicing for it," I confirmed, Cecilia purposely staying quiet so Leo and I had a better chance of talking.

He bit his lower lip before looking at the camera people nearby. "Yeah... We better get ready for it now."

I nodded, since Cecilia and I had already gotten into costume, the scene going seamlessly. I was relieved it was over, but then the dread settled again of leaving Leo.

"You want to stay to watch the other scenes," Leo offered. "I have a few more to do."

"Okay," I agreed, him looking at Cecilia, since she hadn't uttered a word.

"You okay, Cecilia," he checked. "You're kind of quiet today." He lowly chuckled as he touched the back of his hair, making me mentally cringe. I heard guys did that when they were attracted to a girl.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I'm just not feeling as hyper as usual," she claimed, giving him a believable smile.

Watching Leo perform as Jim was incredible, and I was in awe by his acting skills. My heart completely broke when he had to be in front of his mom's apartment door begging for money. It was when Jim was deep in his drug addiction, and seeing Leo sobbing and yelling out like that killed me. The tears that flowed down his cheeks were real, and even when the director yelled cut he was still sniffling a little.

"I don't think we could do it any better than that," the director admitted, Cecilia handing me a tissue to give Leo.

"Are you okay," I checked as he blowed his nose.

"Yeah, it's just a little emotionally draining, but I'll be fine soon," he answered.

I sat beside him on the floor, our knees only inches away from each other, as we kept them pulled up to our chests. "I guess this is our last day together," I observed.

"It doesn't have to be. I have a nice apartment in Los Angeles with an extra bedroom if you and Cecilia are interested. You could continue your acting careers."

"That's crazy. We barely know you," I softly said, just in shock by the offer.

"I know." He brushed his hair from his forehead as he sniffed once. "But I've really enjoyed hanging out with you two, and it would be platonic. I wouldn't try to take advantage of you guys or anything."

"Won't the media talk?"

"I'm known, but not that well known. I know things were a bit crazy the night we met, but that was because I had never been in Rye before. People went kind of crazy in New Jersey too when we filmed there."

"Well, I would have to ask Cecilia about it. It's a pretty big step. When would we move out there together?"

"As soon as the movie wraps up, which won't be for another month or so. I understand if you don't want to."

"No, it's not that. It's just hard for me to go to new places. I would miss living here, well in Rye, I guess, since we're currently in New York City."

"I thought you couldn't wait to move out on your own." He rested his wrists on his folded up knees as I shook my head.

"No, that was Cecilia. I was a nervous wreck. We're a lot different from each other."

"I promise that I'll make it as easy as possible for you. Los Angeles is a great city. They have a lot of great attractions, and we could go sight seeing together."

"That sounds nice..." I released a sigh as I hugged myself, feeling him place his hand on my arm.

"You have plenty of time to think it over, okay?"

I raised my eyes to meet with his vibrant blue, managing to nod. "Okay."

"What do you think? Do you think we should take his offer," I asked Cecilia later that night. We were both on our beds facing each other with our legs criss crossed.

"It would really be up to you. You know I would go in a heart beat. I just hope he doesn't expect me to end up liking him or something," Cecilia commented.

"I thought about that too. I just wonder if he puts us together to hide his crush on you."

"But on the other hand, the more he got to know you, how couldn't he fall for you?"

"But wouldn't it be kind of awkward? Living in an apartment together," I questioned.

"Maybe, but I can tell that Leo is a kind, respectful guy. I don't think this is something he planned on asking."

"True, but we would have to give up our jobs, start completely over. He might have to support us in the beginning. I don't think we could afford anything on a beginning actress salary."

"We could still find jobs in retail there if we had to. I guess it just comes down to whether we want to go or not."

"I want to, Cecilia, but I'm scared. I've only lived with you or our parents my whole life, never with a friend let alone a guy."

"I know, but this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Leo will probably get super famous one of these days."

"Okay, let's go," I said before I could change my mind.

"Are you sure?"

"Cecilia, if you keep asking me that, then we'll never reach a decision. Let's go to Los Angeles."

"Thank you," she squealed, jumping up to hug me from the side. "To be honest, I'm more excited about going to the city than living with Leo. I've always wanted to visit there."

"I know. Ever since you heard about Hollywood you've wanted to go to California."

"We're going to have so much fun there, and I bet you and Leo will get closer than ever."

"I hope so."

A/N: Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry if it's a bit short. I'm still trying to get the story rolling, since they haven't gotten to interact with Leo too much yet. Please remember to comment, vote, and follow. Thank you so much! <3

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