Chapter 24: Special Bond

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I giggled as they ran the gel over my tummy, pressing on it with the device that would show us our baby.

"There's the hands... and the feet," the female doctor informed us as Leo and I gazed at the black and white monitor. "And that is the head. Now you said you wanted to know the sex of your baby?"

"Yes," I confirmed with a nod, gripping Leo's hand. We had just returned from his filming of The Beach, so Leo was still sun kissed with impressive muscles.

"Congratulations, you're having a baby girl."

I wanted to squeal as tears sprung to my eyes. "We are," I asked as the happy tears flowed down my cheeks. "Leo, we're having a girl." I squeezed his hand, remembering that I was holding onto him.

"Is she doing okay," Leo checked, it seeming to him how real it was when he no longer just had to call our baby Little Kiwi.

"Yes, she's doing great. Mommy's doing well too. Your due date should be in about 5 months. I'll record it for you with the papers you can take home." The lady left the room as I looked over at Leo, both of us slightly laughing before ducking our heads.

"We're having a little girl, Leo. Were you hoping for a boy?" I looked over at him as he shook his head, laughing a tiny bit from his tears of joy.

"No, I was just hoping she would be happy and healthy." I caressed his cheeks as I wiped the salty water from below his eyes.

"We're a mess and the baby's not even here yet."

"5 months can't come soon enough," he exhaled as he caught his breath. "Wow, I can't believe it."

"I'm excited, but I'm also scared about the childbirth part. I've heard it's really painful." A frown crossed my lips as Leo kissed my head gently.

"I'll do research and make sure we can make it as easy as possible for you, okay?"

"Okay," I answered, melting with his arms secured around me.


I swear I had never felt a more whole feeling when our baby girl came into the world. Our little Marlo Juliet DiCaprio bundled in my arms in the hospital and the minute we got home. All she ever did was sleep and eat, but I already loved her more than life itself. I swear Leo checked on her more than I did in the night, always jumping up whenever she made the tiniest sound on the baby monitor. At first it was helpful having Cecilia still living with us to help, but I couldn't be mad for the reason she decided to move out.

"I have something to say, and I don't want you to jump to conclusions," Cecilia started as I changed Marlo's diaper. She was so tiny with her little legs moving as I got the fresh diaper secured. She had Leo's bright blue eyes and right now her hair was wispy blonde strands.

"I don't usually jump to conclusions, Cecilia," I claimed.

"You did when I started dating Brad."

"Yeah, well that's because only a few months in you were sleeping with him, and then talking marriage."

"And I should have listened to you, but this time things are different, and I don't want you to judge it."

"Why? Have you met someone," I questioned as I cradled Marlo, her getting a bit fussy since it was feeding time. I managed to sit in the rocking chair in her room, unbuttoning my top, so that she could have her meal. I whispered soothing words as she drank my milk, her eyes already drooping, but I hoped she would finish first. She had a bad habit of falling asleep and then waking up and crying like half an hour later, still hungry.

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