Chapter 15: A Little Romance

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"And that's a wrap," exclaimed Baz, us finishing up our final scene for the movie. Everyone applauded, me hugging Leo from joy. Cecilia rushed up to us to join our embrace, since she had decided to stay in Mexico until the end. Leo thought Brad was a nice guy, while Tobey was a bit wary, so I was doing my best to just let my sister be happy.

"I have great news! Brad asked me to marry him," she gushed, all of my reassurances flying out the window.

"Cecilia, you only met him like a month ago. You can't marry someone you just met."

"Why not? We've already picked out an apartment together through his realtor, and it sounds so perfect! We're going to live there for awhile, but I'm guessing we'll get a house if we start a family."

"Cecilia, you just met him," I emphasized, Leo looking over at me.

"But I love him, Hattie. I've never felt this way about someone before. It's just like you meeting Leo."

"No, it's not. Yeah, I had a crush on him right away, but we've known each other for awhile now, and we didn't start dating until recently. I think you're moving way too fast."

"I'm going to be 21 in a couple of weeks," she defended.

"Me too, but what does that have to do with anything?"

"I'll be officially an adult."

"You were already officially one at 18, but you're not thinking straight. You just met Brad."

"Why are you so against this? You wouldn't have acted this way before. You used to be the wishy washy one always falling in love."

"Yeah, exactly, I only thought I was in love. I don't want you doing this. Have a long engagement at least, but don't get married like tomorrow."

"I love Brad, and I love you, but I'm going to do what I want, Hattie. Congratulations on your movie, but if you're just going to stand here and criticize my relationship all day, then goodbye." She started leaving as I felt a sinking feeling, us never having such a serious fight before.

"I'm sorry," I shot out, running up to her, since I hated people being mad at me. "I should trust your judgement, just at least think about it, okay? Don't just dive in."

"Okay, and we're not getting married right away. We haven't even talked about when it will be. Who knows? Maybe it will be years, and then I can prove you wrong," she lightly said on the end.

"I hope you do prove me wrong. Can I see the ring?"

She held out her hand as the diamond glinted beneath the lights, my eyes widening.

"Wow, it's so gorgeous."

"I know," she giggled. "It's a pretty big size. And he's never been married before either, Hattie, so it's not like he's been divorced a million times."

"In other words he's not Ross," I joked, referencing Friends.

She laughed before shaking her head, us meeting up with the others, since it was our last day in Mexico. The following morning was an early flight back home, me lingering in the airport to say goodbye to Paul.

"Thanks for being such a good friend and everything. I'm going to miss working with you," I told him as Leo waited in the background.

"I'm going to miss working with you too. We should get together in L.A. sometime, you know, us and Leo, of course," he faintly smiled.

"That would be fun. I wish you all the best in your career."

"Yeah, you too," he replied, seeming a bit surprised when I reached up for a hug. He sweetly returned the gesture, giving me one last, small smile before I met up with Leo. We took a cab to our apartment, Cecilia packing the minute we got back. It was sad saying bye to everyone, and I hated how much had changed. The only positive thing was Leo was now my boyfriend. I blushed super hard as I bit back a smile, watching him do one of his interviews in person.

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