Chapter 4: Worried

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I pretended to be asleep as I lied on my stomach, only my bare back visible as the sheets covered the rest. It was the next scene I had in Leo's movie, and I was relieved to finally get the nudity part over with. I put on a robe as quickly as possible when it was over.

"Hey, Hattie. Can you be back here in about another two weeks," requested the director as I walked over.

"Sure. Why?" I secured my bangs behind my ear as he looked through some notes on the script.

"We have another scene with you and Cecilia, remember?"

"Oh yeah. I thought you said my last scene was already done."

"No, I meant the last one for today. Don't worry. The very last one is brief, and you don't have to take your clothes off again."

"Okay. Cecilia and I will be sure to be here," I promised with a small smile.

"Hey," Leo breathed, coming over, still shirtless from our previous take. I tried not to take notice of his chest as my eyes flickered down and back up to his face. "I guess I'll see you in a couple of weeks. We're heading to New Jersey to film this upcoming week, so I won't be around."

"Oh." I didn't mean to sound so disappointed as he licked his lips.

"Today went great though. Why didn't you tell me you were such a great actress? Your sister did a great job too." We sunk onto the now empty couch as the crew members gathered up their cameras.

"I didn't know I was. Um, did that kiss mean anything, or was it the movie?"

"It was just the movie, Hattie," he beautifully grinned, but it tore my heart.

"Of course. I'm just new to all this," I claimed to save myself from coming across as a fool.

He nodded slightly before watching a piece of equipment getting wheeled past. He cleared his throat a bit before rubbing his nose, chuckling softly. "I think I got some of that fake powder stuff up my nose."

I faintly smiled before messing with my fingers, awkward silence settling between us. "So, can I call you while you're in Jersey?"

"Shit. I don't know what my number will be. To be honest, the first one I gave you was for my hotel room in Rye, so I don't have it anymore."

"That's okay. I just like talking to you, so that's why I asked. I can wait two weeks."

"Yeah... Do you think Cecilia will be able to wait that long," he half smirked.

"Who knows? She does love talking a lot, but she'll probably just talk my head off instead," I joked.

"Do either of you have a boyfriend?"

"No, why?" I was confused by the random question.

"Just making conversation," he claimed with a shrug.

"Well, Cecilia and I better start heading home. It's not a long drive, but it's getting kind of late."

"Yeah, I'll see you in two weeks. I should probably say bye to Cecilia too." He was touching the back of his head as I forced a weak smile.

"Yeah, we can go find her together."

I frowned at how he gave her a hug first before me, when before it was the other way around. I guess I worried he might have a crush on her. The way he was being vague and a bit distant around me made me wonder. Where was the boy that I met in the diner? I thought we might possibly have one of those instant connections you read about in fairytales.

I brushed through my wet hair after taking a quick shower that night, Cecilia now busy in the bathroom. I went ahead and crawled beneath my warm covers, leaving my bedside lamp on a bit longer. I just stared at the accordion shade as the light came off as yellow behind it.

"Hey, how was your kiss with Leo? We didn't get to talk much during the shoot," Cecilia spoke up, entering our room clad in her pajamas. She always blow dried her hair though after bathing, since she didn't like to sleep on it even damp.

"It was great." My smile quickly fell though, and I mentally groaned when she sat on the edge of my mattress.

"It doesn't sound like it went great. What happened?"

"No, that part was great, but it didn't sound like it meant anything to Leo. It was just some stupid part in a movie. I guess anything I thought we had was all in my head. I think he might like you, since he was asking if either of us had boyfriends, and he hugged you first goodbye." I kept myself from shedding a tear from how drowsy and emotional I felt from the long day.

"Hattie... Maybe he just felt awkward after the kiss and didn't know how to act. Believe me, I only think of him as a friend now, so even if he did show interest I wouldn't go for him."

I released a soft sigh as I lied straight down on my back, instead of leaning on my arm facing the lamp. "If you're meant to be together, don't let me stop you."

"Hey, you're my sister, and I can tell he really means a lot to you. There will be other guys, but never another sister to replace you. I don't think he's into me like that, okay? So, please stop worrying over this."

"I never said I was worried," I murmured.

"I know you, Hattie, and you'll be anxious about this for two weeks unless I reassure you. I'll make Leo fall for you if I have to."

I giggled quietly as I sat up, shivering a bit at the cold air that hit my wet hair. "I don't want you to make him fall for me. I want him to do that on his own if he's ever interested."

"Hattie, how could he not be interested? You're beautiful! You've always been the prettier one between us."

"Cecilia, don't bring that up again. Those girls were just mean. We are both just as pretty, and in our own way too. It has nothing to do with us being twins. I mean, you have that beauty mark on your cheek."

"It's a mole," she scoffed.

"Yeah, well, it adds to who you are. And I like how it looks on you."

"Thanks. I'm still never going to stop covering it up with makeup though."

"I know, but it doesn't look bad, honest."

"Well, your bigger forehead doesn't look bad either, even though you think it does."

"Hey, you convinced me to finally grow my bangs out last year, and I realized I don't look as ugly as I thought I would."

"No, you look absolutely gorgeous. See? I was right."

"And I'm right too," I stated, both of us smiling lightly at how we were always there to boost our self esteem.

A/N: Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I don't want Hattie and Leo to fall in love right away, so the movie kiss was just a kiss. I've kind of been into the friends to lovers idea lately, so it might end up being that. I also tried to include some sister moments between Hattie and Cecilia. Please remember to comment, vote, and follow. Thank you so much! <3

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