Chapter 6: Invisible Stars

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I was nervous and scared the entire plane ride to Los Angeles, Cecilia attempting to calm me since we were seated together. When the beautiful city was finally below us, her eyes lit up, while I got homesick of our first apartment. It did feel a little better when Leo was waiting at the airport for us though. I was surprised when he hugged my first this time, rubbing my back comfortingly as Cecilia lingered in the background with our luggage.

"Hey, you okay," he whispered, me hating the shivers that rippled through me from his low voice.

"Yeah, just a little homesick," I murmured.

"I promise my place is really nice. It doesn't have a lot of rooms, but they're all a decent size. I already moved myself into the smaller bedroom, so you and Cecilia can share the bigger one."

"Sounds good," I reacted in a daze, us heading for the car as I tucked my hair behind my ear. He wasn't kidding about his home, which was pretty impressive. It was definitely much bigger than the previous place Cecilia and I rented.

"Can we like cook something in the kitchen tonight? I haven't had this much room in awhile," Cecilia gushed, admiring the marble counter.

"Sure," Leo quietly chuckled. "I was going to take you girls out for dinner, but we can stay here."

"I swear, it's not a big time difference, but I'm already tired," my sibling rambled as she scavenged the cabinets before finding pasta. Leo was looking at her amused, forgetting about me before I tapped his shoulder shyly.

"Where do you want us to put our bags," I wondered.

"In your room on the door to the left." He pushed it open for me, and my jaw almost dropped at the decent sized space. There was a single bed on each side, and a long, sliding closet made of a mirror. The dresser even had a bigger television than we owned before, and it was just beautiful.

"Are you sure you're not going to miss giving this up," I checked.

"Nah, the other room is half the size, but I've got plenty of space." He rubbed his nose for a moment before we both jumped when there was loud clanging in the kitchen.

"Sorry! I accidentally knocked over all the pots and pans," Cecilia called, Leo rushing to help her. I crossed my arms as I watched the duo clean up the mess, feeling like a third wheel. "So, I'm thinking fettuccini alfredo with an assortment of steamed vegetables, and some crescent rolls."

"That sounds fucking amazing. Can you read my mind," Leo half smirked.

"No, it just sounded good to me. Hey, do you think we could make meatballs and nacho and cheese tomorrow night? Those are like my favorite combination ever."

Another soft chuckle fell from his lips as my chest ached, acting as though their conversation didn't bother me.

"Yeah, I stocked up on ice cream for your first night here too, so we have that," Leo informed us.

"Do you have mint chocolate chip," Cecilia instantly checked.

"Yeah, and rocky road, and..."

"Rocky road's my favorite," I managed to cut in, him giving me a sweet smile.

"I have other flavors, but I'm glad I picked your favorites. I had no idea what you would like," he admitted.

"To be honest, we would be happy with any kind of ice cream, at least I would be. Hattie's a pickier eater than me," my sister shared, causing me to scrunch up my face a little.

"I'm not that picky," I quietly defended.

"Yeah, you're not as bad as our little cousin. She'll only eat macaroni and cheese and hotdogs." She proceeded in beginning our meal, Leo aiding her in preparing it. They didn't seem to need my help, so I sat at the round table by the counter separating the living room from the kitchen. I joined my hands together as I chewed on my lower lip, smiling convincingly when they came over with the hot meal.

"This is really good," I complimented.

"Yeah, I'm glad I have you around to help me cook now," Leo told Cecilia, playfully bumping his shoulder with hers.

"Me too. I love this place already. Hey, do you get cable," she checked.

"Yeah, why?"

"Hattie's obsessed with the show Friends right now."

"Really?" He turned his head in my direction, my face bright red at how Cecilia was always unintentionally embarrassing me.

I nodded as I dabbed my mouth with a napkin, shoveling more yellow squash in my mouth for a distraction.

"It is a really good show. I like watching reruns of The Twilight Zone," Leo confessed.

"Oh my goodness! Me too! You are now entering...," Cecilia started before he finished it.

"Another dimension." They kept going with the intro as I struggled to finish my food. I hated how they sat together on the couch, while I was on the far end by my sibling. We were currently snacking on ice cream and watching the newest episode of Friends.

I was glad that Cecilia felt like an early night, because I couldn't take anymore of hearing their laughter as I brushed my teeth in the bathroom.

"It's already been so much fun staying with Leo," Cecilia breathed, bouncing on her bed, us both now in our pajamas. "Oh no... Was I hogging all his attention again?" She frowned as I could tell she truly felt bad.

"It's okay. I mean, he wanted to be with you," I managed to say, trying to blink away my tears.

"No, it's not okay. I just was excited to move out here and everything. I'm so sorry, Hattie."

"Maybe moving was a mistake. Leo does like you," I stated facing away from her as my eyes watered worse.

"It doesn't mean that I feel the same. Hattie, two people have to want a relationship for it to happen. If we eventually have to move back to Rye then we can, okay?"

I didn't answer, so she shut off her lamp, it taking at least an hour for her light snores to fill the room. I sat up as I stared into the darkness, sniffling before sneaking into the main room. I was surprised to find the balcony door opened, Leo gazing at the twinkling lights in the city.

"Hey," I softly greeted, not wanting to scare him. He still jumped a little though before giving me a small smile. "What are you doing out here?"

"Just thinking. Did you have a good first night here," he asked.

"Yeah, it was..." I couldn't bring myself to finish my sentence fast enough, since I didn't want to lie, but the truth felt wrong too.

"I know it might take you some time to get used to it, but I'm really glad you and your sister are here with me. It's been lonely doing this acting career alone. I even missing living with my mom sometimes."

"Sometimes I miss living with my parents too, and I've been with Cecilia. I know what it's like to be lonely."

"Yeah, it sucks." He released a sigh as the gentle breeze ruffled our hair.

"So... Cecilia and I plan on getting jobs soon. That way we can help pay for the rent, food, or anything other expenses..."

"Don't worry about it, Hattie. It's all covered. I have a feeling you'll find another acting job soon anyway." He looked over at me as his gorgeous blue eyes gazed deeply into my soul.

"I wish I could be as confident as you," I whispered, any ounce of my confidence faltering.

"You'll build up your confidence eventually. I believe in you." He then gave me a beautiful smile, stealing my breath away and raising it to disappear in the invisible stars.

A/N: Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please remember to comment, vote, and follow. Thank you so much! <3

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