Chapter 2: New York City Audition

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"Hey Cecilia," I greeted my twin sister after entering our apartment. She was at her desk in our bedroom, working on an assignment.

"Hey," she absentmindedly greeted. Her long, brown hair fell over her shoulder as her wispy bangs tickled her eyebrows.

"I met Leonardo DiCaprio tonight," I shared.

"That's nice." She was still in a daze as she pored over her work. After a few minutes she finally sat up straighter, already in her red, suit-like pajamas. "What were you saying?" Her light blue eyes found mine as I smiled more.

"I met Leonardo DiCaprio tonight," I repeated, touching the inside of my cheek with my tongue to keep myself from grinning wider.

"Wait... The cool guy from Growing Pains?! The one we loved watching on t.v. when we were in high school?!"

"Yeah," I replied with a small nod, still trying not to burst out laughing.

"How? When? Where?" She was pretty much speechless as I sat on the edge of my mattress on my single sized bed.

"I saw a guy getting a bunch of pictures taken by the media, and then it started to rain so I hurried into this diner... And this guy sat next to me, and at first I didn't recognize him, because puberty has hit him hard, but then we got to talking, and he gave me his number, and I gave him mine, and he paid for my meal without telling me, and... He offered me an audition for his newest movie."

"Hattie!" She nearly squealed as she rushed over to sit beside me. The springs bounced a bit as she stared at me, her eyes complete lit up. "Do you think I could audition too?! I mean, would that be okay? I wouldn't be ruining things for you, would I?"

"No, I think he said there was more than one girl role left, so we could both have a chance at one."

"When are you going to call him?!"

I giggled at how loud she had been talking this whole time, shaking my head. "Probably tomorrow. He's had a long day, I think, and I have too."

"Now I won't be able to sleep, and I'm taking my last beauty school exam tomorrow. I can't believe finally two years has paid off. You won't call him without me, will you? I have my four hour shift at Kmart tomorrow night."

"Of course not. Just meet me here right after your exam. The library's closed tomorrow for minor renovations."

During lunch hour the following day I was curled up on my bed, watching the small television we had on our dresser. Our living room was only big enough for a couch and chair with a pretty small kitchen area too.

"I'm here," Cecilia breathed, breezing into the room with her bangs a mess.

"Can I finish this episode of Friends first? I'm addicted to this show! I hope they keep the other seasons as good as the first one."

"Sure, I need to use the bathroom anyway. I ran straight here from the school."

I felt anxious as I witnessed the ongoing secret crush Ross had on Rachel, disappointed when things were still not solved between them. I sat up straighter after turning off the program, Cecilia skidding across the carpet. I punched in the number that Leo had given me, hoping that he would be available. There was a click on the other line, and then a deeper voice answered.


"Hey, Leo? It's Hattie," I reacted, Cecilia putting her ear as close to the beige, cordless phone as possible.

"Hey, I got an audition set up for you. There are three roles left, so whichever one they think you fit best is probably the one you'll get."

"Oh. Um, I wanted to ask. Could my twin sister, Cecilia audition too? I just told her about it last night, and she freaked out."

She made a face at me for exposing her, but I just merely pressed my lips into a smile.

"Wait... You're a twin? That's fucking great," he enthusiastically said.

"Huh?" I felt confused before he explained.

"Two of the roles are for twins, but they haven't found any right for the part yet. You could either audition for that, or the remaining role."

"What do you think, Cecilia," I checked with her, pressing the telephone against the front of my shoulder.

"Yes," she whisper-shouted.

"Yeah, we would be interested in the twin role," I confirmed, brushing my long, side bangs from my eye.

"Great," he exclaimed, proceeding in telling me all the information we needed.

We ended up having to travel to New York City for the audition, since that's where they were setting up the movie. We were originally from Rye, New York, so it was a bit different in this famous city.

To be honest, Cecilia and I were nervous out of our minds, but we played it off cool, instantly securing the roles of the twins.

"We got it. We're playing the twins," I happily told Leo, since he was waiting outside the room for us.

"That's great," he beamed, giving me a hug first before Cecilia initiated one with him.

"I'm not sure how comfortable I feel about the slight nudity though," I frowned.

"Is that the part you got? The other one doesn't have that," Leo said.

"Yeah, I couldn't let Cecilia go through with that. I mean, I am 7 minutes older." She rolled her eyes with her arms crossed.

"We both know that's not the reason," she murmured, only loud enough for me to hear. The reason we had decided on our roles was because mine got to kiss and flirt with Leo. Even though Cecilia had a crush on the star too, she was willing to let me have him, since I was the one he originally met.

"So, you want to see some of the city," Leo wondered.

"We have to be getting back home. I still have my shift at the library this afternoon, and Cecilia has work too."

"Alright. I'll probably be staying in Rye until they're ready to start filming." He brushed his blonde hair back with his hand as I smiled faintly.

"When does filming start," I checked.

"Next week." I swear my heart wanted to leap out of my chest, and I could tell Cecilia was equally as excited, only for different reasons. My main one was I would get to kiss Leo soon.

A/N: Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm having a lot of fun writing for this story so far. Please remember to comment, vote, and follow. Thank you so much! <3

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