Chapter 7: "My Day's Just Started"

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"Good morning, Hattie. I made both of you breakfast," Cecilia beamed, already fully dressed and serving pancakes with blueberries.

I stifled a yawn as I adjusted my dark blue pajamas, struggling to feel that chipper so early. Even though I struggled to sleep, I just couldn't lay in bed any longer.

"Hey," Leo greeted, looking like an angel in his white t-shirt and black basketball shorts. "What do you girls want to do today?" He sat at the table, his hair even perfectly in place without him messing with it.

"Sight seeing," Cecilia instantly piped up, but she pressed her lips together when she caught my eye.

"We can do that if you want. It's no problem," Leo reacted, chewing his piece of pancake from his fork.

"What do you want to do, Hattie," my sister checked.

"You two can go sight seeing. I'll just stay here," I responded, faking a smile, since all I felt like was crawling into my bed again. I just didn't like being in the middle of a busy city, and I knew the tourist attractions would be the worst. Plus, I was still homesick and battling my sad feelings about Leo hitting it off with Cecilia so well.

"Are you feeling okay," Leo politely checked.

"Yeah, just don't want a busy day," I shrugged. "You two go and have a good time."

"I don't want to leave you here alone on your first day. Would it be okay if I called my best friend Tobey to take you Cecilia?" He turned to my sibling as she gradually nodded.

"Of course! Is he an actor too," she wondered.

"Yeah, he's starting out like I am. We were actually in one of my first movies together. He's a really nice guy, and I swear I wouldn't send you with him if he wasn't."

"No, that sounds great! I really don't mind hanging out with him." I knew that was partly true because she wanted Leo and I to bond more, and also she literally could become friends with anyone.

"Okay. You can go back to bed if you need to, Hattie. I'll just be getting ready for the day in the bathroom," Leo addressed me.

"Okay, thanks," I replied, shuffling to my bed, not realizing that I wasn't ready to leave it before. I plopped face first onto the springy mattress, pulling the covers over me to snuggle in. I didn't expect to get anymore rest, but somehow I zonked out. I fluttered my eyes open to find it was close to noon now, and there was light knocking on my door. "Come in," I said, hating how my voice cracked for a moment.

"You up yet," Leo softly chuckled, gorgeous in his jeans and light yellow sweater.

"I guess." I sat up a bit more as I stretched my arms, him cautiously sitting on the edge of my bed.

"You want to do something simple like going to Kmart or getting lunch out?"

"I'm sorry I ruined your day. I bet you'd rather be with Cecilia."

"My day's just started," he beautifully grinned, my cheeks heating up since he looked directly at me.

"I like your suggestions. Where do you want to eat," I asked.

"It depends if you want fast food or a sit in restaurant."

"I've never been to In-N-Out Burger," I shyly admitted as I hugged my bent knees.

"Alright, we can go there. Do you need to get ready first?"

"Yeah, can I have an hour, is that too long?"

"No," he lowly chuckled. "I swear your sister was in there for like 2 hours at 6 this morning."

"That sounds like her, but I have to warn you, I usually take longer than her."

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