Chapter 26: Half Moon

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I let the tears naturally fall as Leo held onto me, not needing fake ones to do our scene. It had been a wild ride filming this movie, Inception, since there were so many different filming locations, including ones overseas. Soon the director was yelling, 'cut,' but I still felt a bit weird. This storyline messed with your mind, and I would get so involved that sometimes I forgot where we were. It was as though I truly was in Cobb's dream.

I released a breath of air as I sat up before Leo helped me to my feet. "This movie has been crazy," I noted.

"Yeah, but I'm glad you were able to work on it with me, sweetheart." Even with the faint wrinkles forming by his eyes he still looked like he was in his 20s to me. I knew the only reason he had those lines so soon was from our years of smiling and laughing together.

"I'm glad too. I took a really long break from acting, huh?"

"Well, when you have 4 kids to take care of it can be a lot," he commented, taking my hand as we went to relax on a couple of fold up chairs. He caressed my cheek to lean in for a kiss, us getting interrupted early by familiar voices.

"Ew...," I heard one of our young boys drag out. Marlo was the first to run forward, instantly jumping into Leo's arms as he lifted her after standing.

"Daddy," she exclaimed, hugging him tight around the neck. "I missed you so much! Grandma brought us over to see you today."

"I missed you so much too." He kissed her forehead as tears swam in his eyes. Even though we loved all of our kids the same, it was obvious him and Marlo had the strongest bond. He made sure she didn't fall as he brought her higher up when she slipped. Her legs were resting around his side as he held her in place.  She now had Leo's natural hair color of chestnut brown, still resembling him more than me, even if some more of my features had started to come though.

"How are my boys," I asked the twins, who were already 5.

"Okay. Grandma doesn't cut our peanut butter sandwiches like you do," Robbie complained.

"Yeah, she cuts them up and down, not in a triangle," Jeffery added. We didn't mean for their names to rhyme, but somehow Robert ended up with a nickname that ruined that.

"Hey, how are you doing, Shawnee," I checked, paying special attention to our 7 year old. She was the quietest of our kids, but such an angel. She tucked her blonde hair behind her ear before her big blue eyes looked up at me.

"I don't want to leave you again. I hate it when you're not home. You used to be home all the time."

"I know, sweetie, and I promise I'll be home soon. Your daddy and I still have a few weeks to film our movie."

She released a sigh before slowly nodding. "Okay... I met a really cute boy at school yesterday."

"You did? What's his name?"

"I don't know yet, but he has the cutest little walk, and he helped me reach a book at the library."

"He sounds nice. You'll have to tell me all about him-" I was cut off by my boys jumping on me, them laughing as Shawnee stepped back. Robbie had my brown hair and brown eyes, while Jeffery had the same characteristics. I playfully rolled my eyes, since all they ever wanted to do was wrestle everyone, Leo taking Shawnee's hand as Marlo sat on his lap. He was speaking softly to Shawnee as I dealt with our most energetic children. I didn't even realize how much time had passed, and we ended up leaving the building later than planned. Since we were close to home, Leo and I went there for the first time in weeks. Robbie and Jeffery zonked out in the back seat of the car, while Marlo and Shawnee talked together. I loved how well my kids got along, even if the boys and girls tended to clash sometimes.

I carried Robbie inside while Leo took care of Jeffery, putting them in their separate rooms before finding our girls in the kitchen.

"Okay, I know it's a Saturday night, but you still need to get to bed at a decent time," I told them.

"Can't we have ice cream first? Please," Marlo begged, giving me her big blue eyes.

"No, the sugar will keep you up too late."

Leo stepped into the room as she ran up to him. "Can we have ice cream please, Daddy?"

"Sure, why not," he agreed, me shaking my head at how she had a bad habit of asking him something if I said 'no.'

"Yay! I want vanilla with sprinkles," Shawnee spoke up, her eyes lit up, since she was never shy when it came to ice cream.

"I want chocolate with brownies in it," Marlo piped up.

Soon we were all seated at the bar in the middle of our kitchen, snacking on the delicious dessert.

Shawnee kept yawning and rubbing her eyes even with more than half her sugary treat gone. Marlo on the other hand was still shoveling it in her mouth, begging for more which Leo caved the first time she asked.

The nice thing about the girls was they would go to bed when they were obviously tired, while the boys would try to stay awake all night. Leo and I rinsed out the bowls together after they went up the staircase.

"I'm exhausted myself," I sighed, giggling when Leo nuzzled his nose in the crook of my neck, his arms around me from behind. "What?"

"I'm so glad to be home. I missed the kids so much," he breathed.

"Me too, but it has been nice being able to be alone in our hotel room so much." I smirked as I kissed his plush lips, feeling a smirk appearing on his own face.

"It's a full moon out tonight," he nodded to the grand sphere beyond our window above the sink.

"It's funny, the first time we met it was a half moon, and also when we broke up, but now... it's a whole one tonight."

"That's because we're together now for forever." He tightened his hold on me as I smiled widely.

"I wonder if Cecilia will bring over Gavin and Jade tomorrow. I think they've been over here about every day since we've been gone."

"I don't know. I like their kids though. They feel like they're our own too in a way."

"Yeah, I think Tobey and Cecilia feel the same way about our kids. I'm glad we're all one big family. It's too bad my parents still live in New York," I frowned.

"Yeah, but they try to visit at least twice a year, and the kids always have the best time with them."

I barely nodded before the corners of my mouth twitched upwards. "Our conversations are a lot different than they were like 10 years ago."

"Yeah, they were all about if we should get together instead of about our kids."

"I wouldn't trade any of it though. I've loved spending this part of my life with you. It's been the best years I could ever ask for, and I'm excited for what's to come."

"Do you think we'll ever have anymore kids? I know we kind of decided not to after the twins were born."

"I don't know, but what I do know is I wouldn't mind going through the motions right now." I bit my lower lip as he seemed to suddenly wake up. There was something about making love at home that was special. I kept my giggles hushed as Leo chased me up the stairs just like all those years ago, but this time after we locked the door and fell onto the bed, he was able to have me. We were now married, and I had no doubt in my mind it would always be us together until the end.

A/N: Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this last chapter. It's weird that this story is over now, but I just felt like it was time to end it. I hope you enjoyed this story, and thank you so much for all of the nice comments, votes, and reads! They mean so incredibly much to me! :) <3

Half Moon || Leonardo DiCaprioWhere stories live. Discover now