Chapter 25: The Love Surrounding Us

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"Leo, she'll be fine," I whispered, him hesitating to leave Marlo behind in her room. We were ready for Cecilia's wedding early Saturday morning, his mom babysitting for us.

"Maybe we should take her with us," he suggested.

"Leo... It's safer for her to stay home. The doctor said we should limit how much we take her out to avoid germs in the beginning."

He let out a shaky sigh as she made a little sound in her sleep, her arms lying up beside her head.

"We'll be back in a few hours. I promise, Marlo," he told her, kissing her forehead as delicately as possible.

"Leo... We don't want to wake her up, or she'll cry for us."

Just then she had started sniffling before her small mouth opened up wide, Leo caving and scooping her into his arms. "It's okay. Daddy's here. Daddy's got you." He rocked her some as the tears gradually dried on her cheeks.

"Come on, Leo, before she wakes up again. Your mom will know what to do. She's right downstairs with the monitor."

He reluctantly nodded before placing Marlo back in her bassinet, carefully stepping out of the room before we traveled to the building the wedding was taking place.

"Sorry we're late. Leo couldn't leave Marlo," I apologized to Cecilia as she waited beyond the doorway to the ceremony area.

"That's okay. Tobey and I got here a bit late too. We accidentally slept in."

"I know this is kind of personal, but have you and Tobey..."

"No, we're saving it for the honeymoon. I decided I wanted to wait like you and Leo did this time."

"You're going to have a great time," I warmly smiled.


Just then the music began, me walking out before it was my sister's big moment. The entire atmosphere was different than when she married Brad. You could just feel the love in the room and Tobey was completely in awe by her. Anyone could tell he would only ever have eyes for her, so much more than infatuation. I was surprised when they decided on written vows, since they had a plane to catch soon, but it was nice hearing their short speeches.

"Tobey..." Cecilia laughed a tiny bit as a tear escaped her eye. "What can I say? When I first met you I only saw you as a friend. I had no idea that eventually we would become best friends. And even though you were never my lover, you were always there for me. You loved me at the lowest point of my life, when I had never felt more depressed. And because of you, I'll never have to feel that way again. I love you as much as a person can love another person."

Tobey smiled more as his eyes stayed misty, sniffing before saying his words. "Cecilia... I didn't know what to think of you when we first met. You were so full of energy, so full of life, but somehow you were everything I needed. I watched you marry a man that I convinced myself was better for you than me, because all I wanted was for you to be happy. And I thought when I realized my feelings for you it was too late, but I guess fate had something else in store for us. I wish you had never gone through the hard times, but I'm glad they led you to me, because I love you so completely and utterly much."

Even I was almost crying as I listened to them, Leo and I applauding when they leaned in for their kiss. I had never been at a more beautiful wedding. It wasn't fancy, but the love surrounding us was indescribable.

"We'll be gone for a couple of weeks, but I'll call you when we get back," Cecilia informed me as we waved goodbye.

"Have fun, you two," I called as they drove from view, me gasping when Leo suddenly rushed me to our vehicle. "What is it?"

"I'm really glad we came, Hattie, but I need to get home to check on Marlo."

"Okay," I lightly smiled, loving how much he loved our daughter.

A few months later and I was on the set with Leo for his movie, Catch Me If You Can. He was just finishing up his scene with Amy Adams where she suddenly kisses him in his doctor's office.  I had been offered the part, but I was still tired from taking care of Marlo so much.

"I'm so sorry you keep having to see that, Hattie. You are really lucky to have Leo as a husband though. I had a crush on him when I was younger," Amy told me. We were fairly good friends and I enjoyed hanging out with her on set.

"It's okay. At least it's not like some of his other movies. It's hard to see him with a naked girl."

"I bet. Hey, isn't that your sister?" She pointed to my sibling who was searching the place before running up to me. She slowed her pace though to speed walk instead.

"Hattie! Hattie! Guess what," she exclaimed, out of breath when she reached me.

"What," I asked, noticing the healthy glow to her cheeks.

"I'm pregnant. I'm 4 months along, and I've been dying to tell you, but we wanted to make sure there were no complications, and... We just got this back today." She pulled out a black and white photo, my mouth opening in happiness as I studied the precious picture. "This is their little hands and feet, and..."

"And what," I wondered, looking over at her as she lit up even more.

"And they're a boy!"

"Aw... That's so great, Cecilia! I'm so excited to have a baby boy around."

"Me too! Marlo and him can be best friends! Tobey and I already picked out a name too. Gavin Tobias Maguire. The middle name is actually Tobey's full name."

"I can't wait to meet him. Can I feel your stomach?"

"Of course! You don't even have to ask, Hattie. I probably felt yours so much you were annoyed with me." She lifted her shirt just enough for me to feel the tougher spot.

"I'll have to do this again when the baby can kick me," I giggled.

"Yes! I can't wait to feel that! Is it weird?"

"It takes some time to get used to, and sometimes it can be a little uncomfortable, but it is a great feeling."

"Ah! I can't wait! I feel like no one's more excited to be pregnant than me."

"You've always wanted kids, Cecilia, I understand."

"Speaking of kids, Leo's mom is bringing over Marlo to surprise Leo."

"He'll love that," I beamed, spotting my husband going over information with the director in his lab coat. I was right, because the second Leo's eyes saw Marlo he was rushing over, taking our baby girl into his arms. She had her fingers in her mouth as her bright blue eyes looked up at him, just staring. She was definitely closer to him than me. Sometimes the only reason she cried was because she missed him.

"Look who Mom brought over," Leo told me, walking over with Marlo.

"Did you know Cecilia's pregnant?"

"What? Really?"

"Yeah, it's a boy," Cecilia gushed.

"Congratulations. That means Tobey and my kids will be related."

"I guess it does," she happily agreed.

Honestly our lives had never been better at this moment in time.

A/N: Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I looked it up and I had no idea that Tobey has a kid named, Otis, in real life. XD I just found that funny because of that Marlo and Otis joke I made in an earlier chapter. Lol. Anyway, please remember to comment, vote, and follow. Thank you so much! <3

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