Chapter 21: Late Nights

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I fluttered my eyes open, it not taking long for the biggest smile to spread across my face. I was resting my head on Leo's chest, my arm over his bare torso. I glanced at the clock to see it was nearly noon, but I didn't care. We had spent all night talking and making love, and it was more than I could have ever dreamed of.

I ached for Leo to wake up no matter how peaceful he looked. Even though our legs were literally intertwined, I missed him already. I pecked his forehead gently before both of his cheeks, my lips sliding over to his. I didn't expect any reaction, but he subconsciously began kissing me back before his eyelids fluttered open.

"Hi," I whispered.

"Hi," he got out in a low yet husky voice, causing goosebumps to raise all over me.

"Are you ready to get up yet? I want to spend all day with you."

"Mmm...," he murmured, stretching his arms before hoisting himself against our pillows. Quite a few were lost on the floor though from all the rolling around we did.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Hattie," he sleepily replied, yawning before running his fingers through his messy hair. "I can't believe you're up before me and so alert. You're usually in bed all day."

"I slept really sound when I was asleep, so now I feel well rested. I can't stop thinking about you." I kissed his chin after securing my arms around him, causing him to smile faintly.

"You know our flight is tomorrow morning, right?"

"Can we just stay here?"

"And miss out on those clear waters? And nice little place I rented for us?"

"I don't need all of that. I just love spending time with you like this."

"You won't say that when you get there, Hattie. We'll be snorkeling and sunning, and..." He didn't finish his sentence when I began kissing him sensually, his mouth moving in perfect sync with mine. "And fuck all of it. We'll be making tents in our room all day anyway." I giggled as he hovered over me with our covers resting on his shoulders, reminding me of Romeo + Juliet. Before I knew it we were making rough yet gentle love, collapsing beside each other afterwards.

"I am happy about going to Guam, Leo. I'm just sad to be leaving home so soon. I get nervous when I travel," I confessed as we caught our breath. He acted like he was going to fall asleep again though, his cheek smushed against the front of my shoulder with his eyes shut.

"I know," he breathed, literally snoring extra quietly for a few seconds.

"I'm going to get up, okay? I want to shower and have something to eat." When I went to stand out of bed though I couldn't do it, since my legs were so sore. "Um... Leo? I can't walk." I giggled extra softly as he managed to wake up again, rubbing his eyes with his fingers.

I felt so much love for him when he carried me to the bath tub after filling it with bubbles and hot water, carefully dropping me in before joining me.

"So, what do you want to eat," he asked, seeming to finally be more alert as I ran a loofa over my arms.

"Some fruit sounds nice, maybe some toast too. I'm kind of still thinking about breakfast since we missed it." I giggled quietly before seeing Leo applying shampoo to his hair before dunking it in the frothy water.

"I got some kiwis special for you," he cutely grinned.

"That's so sweet of you," I gushed.

"Anything for my Kiwi." More giggles left me as he reached forward to kiss my lips gingerly. I loved how even when we got out of the tub he was taking care of me, drying off my body before helping me into my fresh pajamas, since we planned on lounging around at home all day. We were munching on our food in the living room, my fork stabbing into a strawberry in my mixed fruit. We never meant for it to happen, but off and on we would just look at each other and randomly make love, on the couch before never leaving the bedroom. We literally watched the television in there and stocked our mini fridge, zonked out when our alarm went off for our early flight. We both panicked, since we woke up late, scrambling for our things and barely making our plane.

When we touched down in Guam, I was instantly in love with their aqua colored bay, glad that we had gone there after all. I kept standing on our wooden deck as I admired the glittering body of water, my hair blowing a little in the breeze. Leo was unpacking his clothes into the dresser as I waited in my new light blue and dark blue striped bikini. When he saw it he instantly joked I looked like Blue's Clues, but I wasn't even offended. It was a cute show, and I hoped our future kids would get to enjoy it someday.

"You ready," Leo checked, his mouth against my warmed shoulder from the sun beating down.

"I've been waiting for you," I faintly giggled. "Is this place really private?"

"Just from this view. Why?"

"No reason," I claimed, but he caught on, pushing me in a corner of the railing where a tropical tree's leaves covered us. Next thing I knew we were making love outdoors, it a totally different experience that left my heart beating beautifully and my body trembling.

Leo never let go of my hand as we strolled along the beach, him cutely pointing out things with our joined hands like birds in the sky or neat seashells. We decided to save the snorkeling for the following day, going to a nice restaurant for dinner. That night we found ourselves slow dancing on our deck, the light filtering through the glass in the sliding doors connected to our place. We hadn't bothered to change out of our swimsuits from when we chanced a late swim, but decided it was too chilly outside.

"I love you so much, Leo," I breathed, us stuck to each other with his hands around my waist and mine embracing his middle.

"I love you so much too, Hattie." He rested the side of his head on top of mine, sighing in contentment as we spun around gradually.

"I never knew I could love you or anyone this much."

"Me either. I don't think I could have found anything better. I'm so glad I met you."

"Can we head inside? My feet are starting to hurt."

"Alright." He rubbed my opposite arm the entire time we stepped inside, finding our fresh smelling room with small candles.

"I forgot to take my birth control pill at supper," I suddenly remembered, pulling out the pack to pop one in. I quickly got a glass of water from the sink to rinse it down, sighing in relief.

"How long do you want to wait to have kids," Leo gently asked, coming over to secure his arms around me at the counter in the miniature kitchen.

"Why? Do you want one now?" I half smirked as he merely smiled sweetly at me.

"No, but we haven't really talked about it much."

"Hm... I would say a year or two. I'm not done getting to know you yet."

He kissed the top of my head the minute I melted against his body, rubbing my back too. "You want a boy or a girl?"

"One of each, but I would be happy with any kids we were blessed with."

"Me too. Do you have any names picked out?"

I smiled against his chest before speaking up again. "Oh, I don't know. We could use my middle name, Marlo, bring that name back."

He chuckled lowly as he swayed us slightly. "What about Marlo and Otis," he teased.

"That's Milo and Otis, and no way," I stated, playfully rolling my eyes.

He laughed out loud suddenly, my insides turning to mush from the hypnotic sound. "We can call our daughter, Kiki, since you love kiwis."

"Leo...," I dragged out in a whine, parting to give him a look as he found my hands, swinging them between us as he kept trying to lace our fingers together. "You sound like you're tired."

"It's your fault." He sounded like a child as my mouth gaped open in fake anger.

"How is it my fault?"

"For being so beautiful and distracting," he pouted, pressing his lips against mine before I could protest.

"We could go to bed now," I suggested. It only took two seconds for us to race for the bedroom, knowing fully well it would be another late night.

A/N: Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please remember to comment, vote, and follow. Thank you so much! <3

Half Moon || Leonardo DiCaprioOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora