Chapter 3: "You're a Talented Actress"

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"So, you both grew up around here," Leo asked as the three of us strolled through the park. Cecilia and I had Sunday free, so we accepted Leo's offer to hang out.

"Yeah, but we moved from home as soon as we turned 18," Cecilia chimed in, always being the more chatty one between us. "We wanted to be independent and have our own place."

I shoved my hands in the pockets of my dark pink hoodie, thinking how that was only partly true. I had been a wreck the first few months we left home, since I liked being around our parents. I was more of an introvert than my sister, and I clung to familiar places, so being in a new apartment was pretty scary for me.

"Sounds nice you two could be roommates," Leo noted.

"Yeah, we could pay rent together, and not worry about bunking with strangers," Cecilia agreed, the breeze moving our hair around a bit.

"You want something to eat? There's a food cart over there," he nodded, her answering before I got the chance.

"Of course! I wonder what they have." It ended up their only options were various types of fruit, which I didn't mind. Cecilia instantly picked a cup of strawberries while I opted for kiwi, Leo taking the sliced banana.

"You know when Hattie was younger we used to put on plays for our parents. It was just in our living room, but I joked I was the queen of spaghetti. I was obsessed with that food back then, and Hattie wanted to be called Princess Kiwi. She was really into Strawberry Shortcake, so she wanted a name just like the characters on the show."

I felt my face turn bright pink in embarrassment as an amused smirk crossed Leo's lips. "Really," he asked me.

"Yeah," I shyly confessed, wanting to die as I forced another piece of kiwi into my mouth.

To be honest, Leo and I barely got to know each other the entire week, and in a flash the filming of the movie had started. It took a bit longer for Cecilia and my roles to come up, but by the second week it was time. They did some of the scenes out of order, so we probably would have been due later if they had done it in the right sequence.

"I can't believe it's our first day on set today," Cecilia gushed as we rocked in the back of the taxi cab, the roads a bit uneven.

"Me either." I bit my lower lip before releasing a soft sigh. "I love you, Cecilia, but I didn't really get to talk to Leo much when he was in Rye."

"I'm sorry. Was I talking everyone's head off again?"

I gave her a sheepish smile as she gave me a sorry one.

"I'm sorry, Hattie. I was just so excited to meet him that I wasn't thinking about you. I did find out that I like him more like a friend though, so that was good. My crush on him as pretty much disappeared."

"It's okay. I just wish I knew him better before our kissing scene."

"Hey, everything's going to go fine. I'll be there with you."

"Yeah, making out with another guy."

"Hey, it's in the script. I can't help that," she defended, rubbing my shoulder soothingly as we finally stopped in front of the correct building.

"Hey," Leo happily greeted, throwing me off since he had some blood on the side of his head. It then dawned on me it was for the film, feeling stupid for forgetting. "They're shooting your scene in like half an hour. I think they have to get the room set up and everything."

I barely nodded, but in a flash Cecilia was answering our fake apartment's door, her instantly having to kiss Neutron deeply when the two boys came into view.

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