Chapter 22: "Are You Sure You're Doing Okay?"

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I was almost crying as I finally reached that grand stage, gazing out at the various celebrities applauding me. I wiped the stray tear from my eye as I gripped the golden award firmly.

"Thank you. I never dreamed I would be attending the Oscars one day, let alone winning one." I slightly laughed as the cheering died down, struggling to maintain my cool. "I want to thank everyone that I worked with on Titanic, and the person that helped me to break out of shell, my husband, Leonardo DiCaprio. I love you so much. You have no idea." I laughed a tiny bit from nerves as I forced a smile, people clapping again as I casually walked back to my seat. "Goodness, how did we get here," I asked Leo after placing the statue on our table, which was shared with Brad Pitt, Cecilia, and Johnny Depp.

"I'm so proud of you, Hattie," Leo merely grinned, tears coating his own eyes as he secured his arm around my shoulders to bring me in for a sweet kiss.

"I feel bad you didn't win anything. You should have won, not me. You're so much more talented."

"Hey, don't put yourself down like that. We're both very talented Hattie, okay? And I've always believed in you. You're better than what you give yourself credit for. You can play a prostitute, Juliet, and even a rich Rose, and I'll believe you every time."

"You're so sweet. I love you." I leaned in for a lingering peck, feeling exhausted when we headed home. I hoped the rest of our lives would be this wonderful, because we were still falling in love more every day.


I couldn't get over how in shape Leo was as he lifted weights on his final day at home. We would be traveling to Thailand soon, so he could start on his newest movie, The Beach. I bit my lower lip as I admired his fresh tan too, crossing my legs as I watched him from the couch.

"What," he lowly chuckled, his biceps flexing each time he moved.

"You're so sexy," I blushed. "I mean, you were sexy before, but goodness, you're just so..."

"It's like you're falling in love with someone new," he smirked.

"No, it's better than that. I'm falling in love with my already perfect husband." I strode up to him to kiss his cheek, causing his strength to falter as his arm shook.

"Fuck, Hattie, you're not supposed to be distracting me. I have at least five more of these to do. They expect me to look a certain way for this movie."

"You already look perfect." I nibbled on his ear as his mouth dropped open, his eyelids fluttering closed as he fought to work through it. "Are you sure you can't take a break? You've been working so hard these last few months."

"Hattie...," he groaned, turning his head as I found his neck.

"I'm sorry. It's just this all feels like a second honeymoon, and I'm so excited to start it."

"We'll be starting it tomorrow. I promise, Kiwi." He pecked my lips to distract me before he became focused again on his exercises.

The moment we saw the beach in Thailand I was absolutely mesmerized, Leo grinning beside me as he held my hand. I swear that we made love more in our hotel room than we had in the last few months. Even though we both had a strong drive, we tended to not have sex as often with more passing time. I heard it was normal for couples though, and our hearts still very much belonged to each other. It truly was like we had traveled back in time to our paradise in Guam, until they got deeper into the filming process. I stood completely tense as I witnessed Leo doing his intimate scene with Virginie Ledoyen. I should have just skipped coming to the filming location, but I had no idea it would be this difficult. They both popped out of the water, barely catching their breath as they made out frantically. Leo effortlessly pulled her top off, revealing her bare breasts, before she managed to get rid of his shirt. He rested his arm behind her neck as he fought with getting out of the short sleeves, their lips molding together as they continued. I felt sick as I watched everything, my stomach churning.

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