Chapter 23: Never Felt Closer

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I still felt a bit shaky as I stepped into the waiting room, Leo sitting on the same chair I left him in. He instantly stood the minute he saw me though, and it took everything in me not to run up to him.

"Hey," I calmly greeted, my insides jumping as his ocean eyes searched mine.

"Hey," he echoed, rubbing my arms as I bit back a smile. "So, how are you doing? What did the doctor say?"

"We're both doing okay," I confirmed, unable to stop the knowing smile spreading across my lips.

"What?" He knitted his eyebrows together in confusion until I took his hand, placing it on my tummy. His eyes widened as it dawned on him what I meant, not seeming to know what to do with his hands as he processed the news. He finally decided on placing them on my cheeks, kissing me passionately as I experienced a million butterflies. "How long...?"

"Around 2 months. That's why the morning sickness started. I'm still in my first trimester. They said in a couple or few months we can find out the sex of the baby." I beamed as I nearly bounced on my heels from excitement.

He felt my stomach again, pressing as carefully as possible before his blue orbs widened again. "Fuck... Your stomach's already starting to get hard. How did I not notice that before?"

"I didn't notice it either. I mean, I'm not showing, and it just happened recently. We're going to be parents, Leo." I sloppily kissed him, since I couldn't think straight enough to aim perfectly.

"Are you going to be okay, staying here, I mean? I still have a couple of months of filming left."

"Yeah, by then we might know if they're a boy or a girl," I gushed, feeling an amount of joy I never had before. It was a special kind of happiness.

"Are you carrying low or high?"

"Leo... I'm barely showing. Are you trying to already guess if they're a boy or a girl," I teased, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I'm just... I'm so excited, Hattie. I want to know already, so we can pick out a name for them."

"We can pick out a name for each just in case." I pecked his lips as I ran my fingers through his short, blonde strands, causing him to moan softly.

He lowly chuckled as he parted to hug me, nuzzling his nose in the crook of my neck. "Sorry, I forgot where we were." His warm hand carefully rubbed my upper back as I grinned.

"It's okay. Do you have to film today?"

"Yeah," he sighed sadly, intertwining our fingers as we exited the building.

"That's okay. I can just stay back at the hotel room. I'm feeling kind of queasy again anyway."

"You could call your sister if you want. I bet she'll want to know what's happening."

"Isn't it too expensive," I frowned.

"Babe, I don't care. You talk for an hour or as long as you need. I have enough money. I'm making 20 million on this movie alone. And we still have our millions from Titanic, and the backend points I invested in."

"Are you nervous? You usually don't talk about our finances like this," I teased.

"No, just so fucking excited. I don't know how I'm going to focus today. All I can think about is our little baby."

"I'm happy you're this excited. I knew you would be happy, but I wasn't sure how much." Tears swam in my brown eyes as a few happy ones escaped.

"Hattie, this is the best news I could have gotten today. I know we were going to wait another year, but I'm just so happy."

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