Chapter 17: No Funny Business

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It had been the longest filming day as I trembled on the broken door floating in water.

"I love you, Jack," I croaked, since it was after the ship had sunk. I was freezing myself from my chilly, wet clothes, shaking a bit more as I looked at Leo. When it came time for me to let him fall to the bottom of the fake ocean, it took everything in me not to cry hot tears. Finally we were saved from this never-ending take, me relieved to be able to get warmed up. Leo rubbed my arms with a plush towel as he kept one over his own shoulders.

"How many times am I going to have to see you die," I asked him, forcing a weak smile as my teeth chattered for a moment.

"Hopefully not again. I know how hard it is for you." He briefly smiled before it fell, leaning in to kiss my cold lips.

"Y-yeah," I stuttered. "You wouldn't think 60 degree water, or whatever it was, would make us this cold." I nearly laughed as we headed up for our room, me instantly grabbing the blow dryer to get my hair fluffy again. Leo took off all his clothes, carefully putting the special outfit in a folded pile, since we were supposed to give them to the people in charge of wardrobe later. I shut my eyes firmly as he breezed past me to hop in the shower, the soothing sound of water hitting the tub filling my ears.

"I think there's a message on the phone for us," Leo commented, me able to see his silhouette as his hands went up to his hair.

"Okay, I'll check it right after my shower. Don't feel like you have to rush though. I still have a few things to do."

"You want to join me," he requested, me waiting to hear the smirk, but I never did. He poked his head out when I stayed quiet. "It would conserve water," he innocently claimed.

"I don't know... Isn't it kind of pushing things? I mean, I've never seen you without clothes."

"We don't have to bathe each other. I just don't want to leave here for awhile, and I don't want you cold out there," he cutely pouted.

"Fine, but no funny business. I can't believe we're doing this." I shook my head as I dropped my thin dress to the hard tiled floor, welcoming the space where the curtains were pulled back. I slightly laughed when I accidentally glanced down at Leo, feeling the blush rising to my cheeks. "I wasn't laughing at you, I promise. This is just awkward."

"It's okay. Hey, you want to do your hair while I get the soap on my body?"

"Okay," I agreed, grateful for doing this when the steamy liquid hit my scalp. It was heaven as I tilted my head back, eventually massaging shampoo in.

"You are so beautiful," Leo grinned, my whole body becoming warmer than the shower.

"And you are so handsome," I replied, not sure what else to say as we switched places. Now I was getting scented soap all over my skin, while he got rinsed off.

"Do you care if I just stand here until you're done? I don't want to go out in the colder room," he lightly chuckled.

"No, not at all. Enjoy the hot water for as long as you want." After a minute or so we were alternating positions again.

"I'll go ahead and step out so you can have the shower all to yourself," Leo spoke, almost slipping on the slick floor. He gripped the curtain, while I secured his other hand, my own heart pounding.

"Are you okay," I checked.

"Yeah, fucking shit, I almost fell," he softly chuckled. I squeezed his hand, not letting go until he was safely stepping on the white bath mat instead.

I couldn't help but kiss his hand, which caused him to grin sweetly at me, stealing a short kiss on my lips. "I'll be out soon," I promised as he dried off.

Once I was in my cozy pajamas I found Leo sitting on our bed, the phone stuck to his ear as he just sat there frozen.

"What is it," I wondered, the mattress bouncing a bit as I joined him.

"Your sister called a few hours ago. She's getting married next week, Hattie."

"But she said it would be a long engagement," I argued, feeling such a mixture of emotions.

"I guess her and Brad decided they wanted it in Mexico. They only want us there, so it doesn't bring attention to the media."

"How could she do this? She's only known him like a few months now."

"I'm sorry, Hattie. I don't feel right about it either, and I knew it would upset you too." He rubbed my arm soothingly as I stared into space.

"I just think she's making a big mistake. Maybe Brad is the one, but how can she know so soon? She's still in the honeymoon, totally infatuated stage. She even told me the other day he has no flaws."

"I know," Leo sighed quietly, biting his lower lip as his gaze fell to the sheets we were on.

"This sucks. If I tell her what I think she just won't listen."

"I guess she has to figure this out for herself." He gave me an apologetic expression as I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"I guess she does. I just hope it all works out."

"Me too." He kissed the top of my head as I wallowed in this new information.

It was difficult to get into character the next day, since my sister's wedding was the only thing on my mind.

"Just try to relax and pretend that you're Rose," Leo whispered as I barely nodded. I inhaled deeply before releasing it, stepping forward as the breeze ruffled his hair a little.

"Hello, Jack," I greeted to get his attention as the cameras started rolling. "I changed my mind." It wasn't hard to temporarily forget my problems with Leo's breathtaking, small smile. "They said you might be u-"

He put his finger in front of his lips, causing butterflies to find me without warning. "Give me your hand." His voice was the most gentle and soothing in the world. "Now close your eyes. Go on."

Once my eyes were firmly shut he gave me further instructions. "Step up. Now hold onto the railing. Keep your eyes closed. Don't peek."

"I'm not," I promised.

"Step up onto the rail." I nearly slipped, hoping I covered it up well enough as Leo continued helping me. "Hold on. Hold on. Keep your eyes closed. Do you trust me?"

"I trust you," I said without hesitation. He struggled to get my arms straight out, since I was shaking. I was worried about slipping on the railing and falling, or messing something up.

"Alright, open your eyes," he whispered, his palm now on my waist.

"I'm flying, Jack," I breathed as I gazed at the very real sunset. My face naturally lit up as I felt the full romance of the scene. I couldn't stop smiling as Leo sang an old song quietly near my ear, our kiss next effortless. I was actually disappointed when the director yelled 'cut,' since it had made me forget about my worries. "I wish this wasn't the last scene of the day. I'm finally starting to feel better," I admitted to Leo as we stepped down.

"I know a way to make you feel even better." His half smirk made me slightly nervous.

"What?" I started laughing uncontrollably when he tickled me, the director yelling for us, since we were still in full wardrobe. We were too busy running across the model of the Titanic though, experiencing too much joy to stop.

A/N: Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm not going to lie, I've been looking at my Leo book "You're My Focus," since I already directly quoted some of "Titanic" in it. (X Please remember to comment, vote, and follow. Thank you so much! <3

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