Messed Up MacBeth Part 3-Evil Woman

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Narrator: (Ben) Back on the battlefield, Duncan is consulting with his generals.

Duncan: (DC) How did the execution go?

Malcolm: (District) Oh beautifully. The Thane of Cawdor died as he lived, a coward.

Duncan: And with statements like that, you'll never become a state.

Malcolm: Wow.

Ross: (Ohio) Ope, I brought back Banquo and the new Thane of Cawdor!

Duncan: How you doing M****?

M****: (Cali) (high pitched voice) Just fine.

Duncan: Why are you talking like that?

M****: Whatcha mean? This is my normal voice!

Banquo: (Texas) He's been talking like this since Ohio came to get us.

Duncan: Right. Well, with you Thane of Cawdor and my son the future king of Scotland, my legacy is secured.

Malcolm: Y'know what sounds better then being future king-

Duncan: Shush.

Malcolm: Aww.

Duncan: So where shall we celebrate?

M****: Oh my house! My wife will prepare us a feast!

Malcolm: PFFFT. You have a wife? (gets hit with a fake sword) HEY.

Duncan: We shall go to the M****'s castle then! You can go ahead.

M****: (aside) I better go write to my wife about this, and surely she won't encourage me to do unspeakable things with the third witches prediction!

Narrator: We cut to the M****'s castle whee Lady M**** is reading a letter from her husband.

Lady M****: (IDC) Okay I know my husband's name is cursed, but why is my name censored?

Gemxan: (off screen) Your name is cursed too!

Narrator: I wish my name was cursed.

Gemxan: You okay Ben?

Narrator: No.

Lady M****: (reading the letter) And then they said I'd be Thane of Cawdor and then I WAS. Now all I need is king and I'll have bingo! But then he declared Malcolm future king so I guess that's goodbye to that dream! Please don't plan anything terrifying. (puts letter down) I have thought of something terrifying!

M****: (enters) I specifically told you not to!

Lady M****: Too bad I did. You're going to be king.

M****: How?

Lady M****: We're going to kill Duncan.

M****: WHOA I thought we were going to blackmail him you're jumping right to murder????

Lady M****: Yes! It's the most logical way.

M****: That's your brother!

Lady M****: If you haven't tried to kill your brother, are you actually siblings?

M****: Duncan's coming here tonight for a feast, and despite me now regretting offering he'll be here soon.

Lady M****: Good, good. And remember, keep a smile on your face but keep the snake within.

M****: Nope can't hear you over what vegan cheese I'm going to serve tonight!

Lady M****: I outta kill you just for that alone. 

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