to boldly states

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So this is an idea I've had. 

Basically a time travel fic where the states go back in time to 2012 and meet some of my ex-favorite internet reviewers while they're trying to find the Plot Hole in space

I would say it makes sense in context cept it doesn't. 

I was thinking for this that the story would go full circle. The story would end with the Nostalgia Critic helping 2019 struggling comedian Ben download TikTok on his phone, and the prologue would be him meeting Ben. Anyway I'm not sure if I'll do it but here it is. 

A muggy night in Florida, Orlando to be exact, 2019.

At a small comedy bar in the seediest part of town, a small crowd of bar patrons sat around an even smaller built stage as a local comedian struggled through his set. He earned a few laughs here and there, some polite chuckles, but it was clear the patrons were there only for the drinks and conversation instead of listening to the comic. At the bar, a small man sat huddled over his notebook, looking at a list of jokes he had written down in front of him. He tapped his pencil against the wood and crossed off one of the jokes, sighing as he continued to look over the list, hoping some would sound better then they did in his head.

"Looks like you're struggling." The man glanced up at the sound of someone next to him, jumping at the sight of a taller man in a white t-shirt, a red undone tie, and a black cap standing in front of him. He had some sort of weird blue glow, the man figured it was just from the bar.

"Jokes always sound better when you're writing them, not when you're about to perform." The man mumbles, turning back to his notebook. The second man sat down at the bar stool, watching him tap his pencil and sigh.

"Want me to buy you a drink?" The second man asked.

"I don't drink." The man said curtly, glaring. The second man held up his hands in defense.

"A water then?" The man sighed and nodded, the glowing man raising his hand for the bartender to bring them over two waters. The second man turned to the first, watching him pour over his notes struggling to make sense of jokes.

"I'm Critic by the way." Critic announced.

"That's a weird fucking name." The man mumbled turning back to Critic raising an eyebrow.

"Oh that's not weird, I have a friend named Spoony." Critic said with a smile. Silence fell around them. The man stared at Critic in shock as the bartender gave him his water. Critic decided to cut his losses.

"Are you a local comedian here?" Critic asked.

"Yeah." The man sighed, running a hand through his shoven hair. It was getting long again, the army wouldn't like that. He took a sip of his water. "I'm Ben."

"Nice meeting you Ben." Critic said with a smile. He looked back at the notebook Ben was writing on and then back at the young man, before reaching into his pocket and pulling out his phone. He smiled at the phone in his pocket, looks like Ma-Ti came through for him to help drive destiny.

"Hey. I have an app on my phone that could help you...." 

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