But They'll Never Forget You

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Dearest Alexandria,

I am sorry for my negligence about sending you letters, things have been crazy back here and politics don't stop for lonely hearts.

When Cali found the letter sitting on Gov's desk, all he could think about was betrayal.

"He's cheating on us!" Cali yelled to the other boyfriends sitting in the meeting room after he furiously texted the old main five group chat, that really hadn't been touched since Gov entered their lives three years ago. "He's fucking cheating on us there's no other explanation!"

"Now calm down Cali." Texas begged looking over the letter. Despite his cool demeanor he was also heating up inside over the contents of said letter, it did sound like Gov had a lover on the side and the mental gymnastics he was doing to convince himself (and the others) that it wasn't was harder than actually accepting it. "Maybe Alexandria is an intern back in Washington, you don't know that they're seeing each other."

"Who starts off a letter to an intern with 'dearest'?" Cali demanded.

"Bill Clinton?" Florida suggested unhelpfully.

It's been crazy running the meetings with all these bans and politicians acting badly. It hurts to hear the states trying to defend them, I know they don't want to. If you could hear even a third of what's going on, I know you'd be ready to march down to the Capitol yourself and give them a piece of your mind.

"Now hold on sha." Loui said the only one calm out of the group, maybe save for York although he hid his emotions well. "We don't know if this Alexandria is even alive, let alone able to read these letters. We don't know much about Gov's past life other than 2020."

"Then why is he writing her letters?" Cali demanded waving the paper. "Why is he writing to her like she's around? Why is he saying 'lonely hearts' he shouldn't be lonely he's got us!

Florida nearly caused a fight between the Dakota's last meeting, I know you would've loved him if you met him. He reminds me of you, granted I don't think you ever threatened to eat a face (which I pray that he's joking with that) but you knew just the right amount of chaos to insert into any situation. Remember the Christmas party when we had those delegates from the south leaving early because you oh so casually mentioned Lawrence's work down in South Carolina? I still think about it.

"We could just ask Penn." York suggested finally speaking up over the fight that was brewing. Loui was slowly losing an ally in Texas, who was starting to believe Cali's insistence that Gov was cheating, and Florida was beginning to get upset with the whole ordeal. "Gov tells Penn everything he'd know." The boyfriends all looked at one another mulling over their options, Cali still looked ready to storm into Gov's office in DC and demand to know who Alexandria was but Texas took off his hat and ran a hand through his hair.

"Well." Texas said softly. "What do we have to lose?"

I've been trying and trying to get the deed to Fetterman's Corner, to try and fix the place up, but no one seems to know where the deed is. I know we lost our original home, I think there's a condo complex there now, but I'm not losing Fetterman's Corner. You deserve a nice place to rest your head.


"WHAT?" The boyfriends yelled looking at the Northeastern state shocked. They stood in the middle of his room after barging in on his weekly 'watching Eagles highlights' time, and without even apologizing Cali demanded to know who the letter was for. When Penn finally read the letter, the boyfriend's watched his eyes go wide and face turn a little pale, before he finally gave it back and gave them a firm no.

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