#Blackmail, Am I Right?

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"First things first -" Tris says but Will cuts her off with his fabulous Iggy Azalea voice.

"I'm a realist."

Tris glares at Will. "Whatever, Iggy. First up is Zeke... you have to kiss Peter."

The other day we all went on an Easter egg hunt and thing got, well, interesting. An insane bet. Completely and utterly insane. I have to have sex with a teddy bear in Victoria's Secret....... what is my life. What have I done with my life and these pansycakes? Ugh.

Zeke grimaces. I laugh. Poor wittle Zeke, he has to kiss Peter. Pssh, loser. I look around me and see the normal crowd of idiots at school. No butter knife boy to be seen. "Do I have to?" Zeke whines.

"Yes," I reply. "And if you don't I won't be afraid to jam this butter knife in your eye."

Marlene squeals. "Look! There he is!"

"This should've bee, like, last place punishment. Who wants to kiss Peter?" Zeke complains. Ugh Zeke, stop being such a baby. Just go and swap spit with Peter ;) ;) ;)

I love winky faces, they always make things more interesting............... gaaah I have issues.

Lynn raises her in answer to Zeke's question. And everyone, the award for the worst couple of the year goes to....... Lynn and Peter! It's almost as bad as that one time Four was dating that creepy guidance consoler who's at least six years older than him.

I place my hand on Zeke's back and shove him towards Peter, who's walking around like he owns this town. Little pansycake. "Time for the most humiliating moment of your life, brother."

Zeke glares at me, but walks towards Peter slowly. I smirk and elbow Marlene in the side, "Get your camera ready." #Blackmail, am I right?

"Heeeey Peter," Zeke says awkwardly and starts rolling on the balls of his feet. I stifle a laugh. He's gotten two words out and I already know that this is going to be the funniest thing to hit this town since the birth of me. Yeah, I was frickin hysterical when I popped out of the womb. I made my first dumb blonde joke then.... memories....

"What do you want?" Peter asks and crosses his arms over his chest. Lynn chuckles from behind me. "Now, Lynn - don't get too jealous that Zeke is gonna kiss your boyfriend," Will warns.

Zeke stutters, then quickly pecks his lips. I burst out laughing. Oh my dauntless cake amity bread whatever the heck they eat in abnegation this is GOLD. Damn this is worth more than gold.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!" Peter screams. By now everyone in the hall is staring. This is the most amazing thing I have ever seen.

"I LOST A BET. DON'T GET YOUR HOPES UP," Zeke says and walks away. Peter rolls his eyes and then touches his lips. He looks like he's about to gag. I would puke if Zeke kissed me too, trust me, Butter Knife boy, we all would.

Tris laughs as Zeke comes back looking red from embarrassment. "That's the most disgusting thing I have EVER done."

"That's the most disturbing thing I've ever seen. And I've seen a giraffe and butterfly have sex," I say. All heads turn towards me. Four raises an eyebrow. "What? It was a strange second grade field trip, okay?"

Tris takes a deep breath and rolls her eyes. "Okay, Zeke. You're done. Next up - Marlene."

Marlene nods. "'Kay. What do I have to do again?"

"Give fifty different kids condoms," Tris says and grins evilly. I glare at her. She thinks she's SOOOO great just because she won a stupid easter egg hunt. It's an EASTER EGG HUNT, kk? It's not a big deal...

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