Ah, Brave Four, was a Total PANSYCAKE! (Christmas:Part 2)

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"Y'ALL ARE FRICKIN LOSERS!" Will screams and pops out of the lake when the timer beeped. Oh ma gawd... wait... what... okay... wait... did that... okay let me back up.

For our little bet, Zeke went first and he stayed in here for about five seconds. His reaction was: "WHAT THE FRICKIN HELL? GOD IT'S FREEZING! GET ME OUT OF THIS ANTARCTIC LAKE! Can't... feel... legs..."

He was more purple than a plum, I'll give ya that. Then him and Shauna were in the car cuddling with the heater on... yeah I think Zeke may have frostbite... WHO CARES HE LOST!

Then, Four went next. Ah, brave Four, was a total PANSYCAKE! Even Tris admitted he was acting very pansycake-like. Take that, Tobias (dang, he doesn't look like a Tobias).

He stayed in there for about one second before letting out the most horrific scream. He sounded like a mix of a dying puppy, little girl, and a directioner who just saw Niall Horan... the horror.

And Christina's laugh after that was pretty horrific too. She snorted like fifty times and sounded like a seal on steriods. Really, Will, really? That's your girl?

Next was the most amazing, terrific, non-pansycake there ever was... moi.

I was in there for fifteen seconds, and that was longer than Zeke and Tobias. I mean, I could barely feel the cold. Mostly because I couldn't feel my arms, legs, hands, feet, and pretty much my whole body except for my fab face. Oh yeah, I went there.

Then went Erudite boy, Will.

He made it an entire minute. Damn, what did they put in the water at Erudite High? Was it secretly Hogwarts and were feeding the children magic that made them resistance to cold? I need to do some research on this...

Who am I kidding, me, do research? Next I'll be wearing tiny little glasses, not like those cool glasses, but the REALLY nerdy ones, and studying.

"So, Ezekiel Pedrad, Tobias Eaton, and Uriah Pedrad you just got OWNED!" Will says and stands there shivering.

"Where'd you get the magic pill that made you resistant to the cold water, huh, Erudite? Hogwarts?" I ask and give him the death glare.

"Dude. Hogwarts doesn't exist and I didn't use drugs, I used skills." Will says and smirks. Oh no... BUTTERKNIFE BOY HAS RUBBED OFF ON WILL!!!

"But I saw you taking a pill. If it wasn't a magic pill to win the Dauntless cake, then what was it, Will?"

"Just shut up," Lynn cuts in.


"Merry Christmas!" I say and give my beautiful girlfriend her present. After we all froze and lost to Will, we spent the night at Lynn's place for Christmas.

"Thanks, babe. Here's your gift," Marlene says and hands me a bag. Then Will walks in with a giant plate of Dauntless cake. Ugh... he's been rubbing it in that HE can have cake but WE can't.

"Happy Holidays! Chris, want some cake?" he says and smirks. Oh my god, Will, it's the Peter smirk. What did that young butter knife ninja teach you? I thought I was the only ninja who got to teach you.

"Of course, babe," Christina says and takes a bite of the cake while Zeke, Four, and I stare at it.

"I miss my baby so much," Zeke says and stares at it. "Me too. A little piece of my heart has been ripped away," Four replies. Oh, Four, I feel ya.

"That's deep there, Three," I say and open my present from Marlene, but I don't take my eyes off of the cake.

I open the bag and inside is a shirt. It's black and in capital red letters it says "I AIN'T NO PANSYCAKE!"

"She knows you so well. I ship it. How about... Urlene? You like it?" Shauna says and I roll my eyes. Urlene... okay I like it... maybe one day people will be writing Urlene fanfictions...

"Whatever, Sheke. But THANK YOU MARLENE YOU'RE BÆ!" I scream at my girlfriend.

"YOU DON'T NEED TO YELL URI!" she yells right back at me, "but you're welcome. And thanks soo much for the necklace."

She runs up to me and kisses me. Our moment is ruined by Zeke, Will, and Four screaming, "NO PDA!"

"C'mon, it's cute," says Tris. It's only cute when it's me and Marlene, when it's Four and Tris or Zeke and Shauna... well... and don't even get me started on Will and Christina. Remember when Butterknife boy and Lynn were together? That was just plain awful.

"No, not really." Will responds.

"Shut up, smart ass," Marlene says and I throw my arm around her shoulder. This girl's learned a lot from me.



I hope you guys liked the Christmas chapters!

Here are some shoutouts I've been meaning to make to the people who have supported my story :)

- @Uriah_Dauntlessborn

- @Princess_Joelle

- @-FabReader-

- @MinhoxMe

This story's at almost 2K reads!!! Ashskjfodpojwryuuvnlsurfgo!!!

Thank you sooo much!

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