Four, Please Don't Kill Me... At Least Me Say Pansycake Again!

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There's a knock at the door and I stiffen. Could it be Four trying to kill me? I gulp and quickly start a group text:

4's here 2 kill me! -Uriah

I open the door and see Four. He looks mad.

"Hey Four, sup?" I say cooly. Oh, yeah, I got this.

"You. Trashed. My. House. Marcus. Will. KILL ME!" he screams.

"Four, please don't kill me... at least let me say pansycake again!" I plead. He rolls his eyes and says, "C'mon, Uriah, you, Zeke, and Will are helping me clean it up."

"What about Peter?" I say.

"What about him?"

"He helped too."

"Oh, right, that's why I found a butter knife on my lawn... he's gonna help too."



Sorry if it was short

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