The Stomach Wants What It Wants

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Don't get me wrong, I love Marlene, but she totally ruined our trip with this crappy coral incident. I could've been surfing and watch Zeke get attacked by sharks, but now I'm waiting in the hospital for my girlfriend. What a fun trip this has been.

"Ugh, can we get some food or something?" I complain and Christina rolls her eyes.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask. Tris gives me a look and so does Christina and Shauna do the same.

"Uriah, your girlfriend got pricked by poisonous coral reef and all you care is that your hungry?" Tris says. So, what? The stomach wants what it wants.

"I can't be the only person bored," I say and throw myself on the couch.

"Little man's got a point," Zeke says and I nod.

"Let's go get some food," I suggest and the guys nod.

"Fine. Get some food. But don't be surprised if Marlene comes out and is pissed because her boyfriend isn't waiting for her," says Shauna, trying to play the guilt card. But it won't work, like I said, the stomach wants what it wants.

"Okay, c'mon guys," I say and run down the halls of the hospital.

"Dude, where are you going?" Will yells as he runs up to me.

"I'm going to Neverland, where do you think I'm going?" I ask sarcastically. He still looks confused. Guess Will isn't Erudite any more.

"I don't know! How am I supposed to know?" He complains and I roll my eyes as Zeke and Four catch up.

"Do you have any idea where you're going?" Four asks. Ugh, can't these guys just trust me for once.

"Yes! I'm getting out of here then getting some food," I state, geez, they should know that.

"Yeah, I know that, but you don't know your way around a hospital," Zeke says and I stop and sigh.

"All hospitals look the same, therefore, I will find a way out," I explain and Will facepalms. Four just shakes his head while Zeke laughs at me. What did I do?

"What's so funny?" I ask and Will stares at me in disbelief.

"Uriah, you- well- the world will never know what's going on up there," Will says. Will is so stupid. Up there is heaven, duh.

"You guys do know that there is an exit right there, right?" Four says as he motions to the the door. Wow, I'm stupid.

"Pfft, totally. Yeah, I was, you know..." I start but trail off.

"That's what I thought," mutters Zeke as we all leave.


"I'll have a bacon cheeseburger with extra bacon," I order at a small stand on the beach. The Hawaiian man behind the counter nods then looks to Zeke.

"I'll have a bacon wrapped hot dog," he says. The man gives him a weird look.

"We love our bacon. Deal with it." Zeke says pretends to flip his hair like a diva.

"Americans..." the man mutters and Will cuts him off.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but the last time I checked, Hawaii is a part of America, therefore, you are insulting yourself."

"Ooooooh! Need a little ice for that burn, Mr. Counterman!" Four says and we all give him a look.

"Don't judge me, Uriah and Zeke do that all the time," he says and then Will orders.

"A Hawaiian pizza, but instead of ham can you put bacon?" he asks and the man rolls his eyes but nods. God, someone needs to fire him. He needs to be peppy not all 'stupid bacon-loving Americans even though I'm a damn America'

"I'll have a cupful of bacon, please," Four says. We all laugh and he earns a high five from Zeke. "WHAT IS UP WITH YOU FOOLS AND BACON?!" the man screams. We're all a little startled and take a step back.

"May I speak with the manager?" Will asks.

He looks angry and shakes his head then hands us our food, even Four's cupful of bacon.

"Thank you, Mr. Counterman," I say and rip the burger out of his hands.

Yeah, that's right. Uriah's got sass.

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