Now Excuse Me While I Go Barf In A Chinese Take Out Bag...

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Christina's making us all go on a nature hike to become one with nature. Geez that girl's insane.

"Chris, why do we have to do this?" Zeke whines like a baby as we walk up to the forest.

"Cause you guys need to learn that there is more to life than fighting, technology, and Dauntless cake," she replies.

Will, Four, Zeke, and I gasp in unision. Not creepy at all...

"Whatever, this might be good. C'mon Four," Tris says and grabs his hands. I groan and roll my eyes. Those two kids love and I mean love PDA.

Zeke walks up behind them and screams, "NO PDA!"

"Yeah, we don't need some Fourtris babies walking around here," I add.

"Dude, we are just holding hands," Four says defensely.

"For now," Shauna mutters.

"True dat gurl," Marlene says.

"Whatevs losers, let's go!" Christina says and grabs Will's arms, while he mutters something about wishing cake grew on trees. Oh, Will, we all wish that.

I step into the forest and immediately feel weird. Why couldn't she force me to go to the movies? The Maze Runner came out yesterday...

Marlene pops up beside me and says, "This is gonna be a long day."

"True dat gurl," I say, mimicking her. She gives me a weird look, which like I've said before, I get a lot,

I then hear something and stop. I look around and say, "It's a bird! It's a plane! It's Superman!" Zeke, Will, and I look up into the sky as we search for Superman.

I have a quick speech to say:

For those of you who don't believe in Superman, get a life. You believe that only the army protects us. Well... no!

Oh and did I mention that Four and Tris are making out right now?

Now excuse me while I go barf in a Chinese take out bag...

"Get a room," I say and push Tris off of Four. Read that sentence again. Push her off of Four. Seriously, we don't need an addition to the group!

Four glares and I smile innocently.

"I think it's cute," Chris says. Will looks at her and wiggles his eyebrows.

"Don't start making out, please don't start making out," Zeke mutters under his breath. For once I believe with this doof.

Will kisses Christina and I groan loudly.

"Keep kissing and I'll jam a butter knife in your eyes," Peter says. I forgot he was here...

"Dude, do we need to get you to a doctor? Put the knife down," Lynn says and lowers the knife. Where does he get all those knives? Target?

"Oh, berries," Will says and walks over to a cluster of berries.

"You sure those aren't posionous?" Tris asks. Will gives her a look and says, "Who's the smart one here?"

"Four," she replies and I laugh. Four. Smart. Please.

"No, it's Uriah. Seriously, those two are as smart as a rock," Zeke mutters.

"Coming from you," Marlene retorts.

"Oh, what's that supposed to mean?" he says and places a hand on his hip. Ezekiel Pedrad, sass master!

"Babe, remember last month. You were convinced that Justin Bieber's grandfather was the president," Shauna says.

"President Bieber, yes," Zeke says. And people think I'm dumb... it's obviously Jennifer Lawrence's father!

"No, idiot, President Lawrence. JLaw's daddy," I say.

"Both of you, it's freaking Obama!" Lynn says.

"Lynn, you're wrong, isn't it still George Washington?" Peter says.

"You are all IDIOTS!" Will screams and Tris laughs.

"So are you, blondie," Will retorts.

"Blondie?" Four asks.

"No, brownie," I say and grab a brownie out of my pocket.

"Where'd you get that?" Chris asks.

"My pocket, what are you blind?" I say and take a bite.

Yep, all's good in Uriah land.

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